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It's been a few days since Nadia was released from the hospital. She's been really weak since being sick. Me and the boys have been doing everything for her.

"You need anything else Nads?" I asked, we were all lying in the movie room, we made another fort while Nadia was in the hospital.

"No I'm ok, thank you though" she smiled, her voice was very horse and weak, her body was still weak and she couldn't stay up for long.

Dad walked in smiling at all of us, two over-twenty-year-olds, a twenty-year-old and two seventeen-year-olds all cuddled up with a sixteen-year-old.

If you knew us, we would definitely not be the type of family to watch movies together or do anything together, unless it was business if it came to any family business, the family would be involved and you can sure as hell, no matter who or how old is in the family, they will know about the business

As soon as Nadia came into our lives, we have all changed for the better, we're less vicious towards people, even if we don't like them we'll be nice enough towards them, and if Nadia isn't with us then that's another story.

Nadia has changed us for the better, we are all less bitter towards each other now, but we have our daughter and our sister back

We heard the click of a camera and looked over to the door where our mom was, she was taking photos of us and when she knew we saw her, she ran.

"How are you feeling bambina" Dad smiled at us well mainly at Nads. "I'm ok, still very tired and weak but I'm ok" she smiled. We knew that she was probably lying, but we couldn't say anything because at least she is telling us something is wrong but she isn't telling us the full thing

This is understandable since she's gone through trauma and how traumatic her childhood must have been, but she is slowly opening up to us more, which I'm glad about because she is my favourite sibling
Don't tell anyone else that.

"se mai troverò quel figlio di puttana che ha fatto del male al mio bambino, pagheranno" Dad mumbled in Italian so Nadia wouldn't understand him.
(If I ever find that motherfucker who hurt my baby, they'll pay)

"non preoccuparti papà, ti aiuteremo anche in questo" Antonio said back in Italian,
(Don't worry Dad, we will help you with that too)

Nadia looked confused before she shrugged and leaned back into me, I wrapped my arm around her and held her close to me making sure I wasn't hurting her in any way.

"Right, how are you feeling Nads?" Dad asked, completely disregarding the previous conversation we all just had. He wanted to change the subject for Nadia's sake, because she didn't watch Italian, and we didn't want her, to know what we were saying, because if she knew she would have been terrified.

Once again Nadia shrugged and told us the same thing. And once again she is lying, but we don't wanna pressure her into saying anything because of  her past and I don't wanna use it as an excuse, but for some things I am and let's just stick to that

"I'm ok" she whispered gently. We all nodded our heads and looked at each other, all knowing that she isn't fully telling us the truth, which does worry me because I am scared that she doesn't feel like she can trust us.

We began to watch another movie when Nadia started yawning. I chuckled at her and looked around at my brothers, who were also all asleep.

I pulled Nadia closer to me and let her sleep. I felt her relax into me and I knew that she was going to be asleep within a few minutes. She needed a break from everything.

She needed it.

Time skip:
I woke up the next morning and Nadia was still fast asleep on me. I smiled at her and gently held her tighter to me. Not wanting to hurt her ribs or herself.

I didn't mind. I didn't mind at all. I had my baby sister with me whom I've been praying to find since I was seven me Nico first found out about Nadia.

And I wanted to kill the motherfucker who took my sister. When we found out about how Nadia was treated, I was very angry. Let's just say that and the stock into too much more detail.

After a few minutes, I felt Nadia wake up and I held her closer to me causing her to giggle. I'm not letting her go.

"Foods ready!" Alexei yelled, I let Nadia go and I helped her up, she's still really weak so I don't want her hurting herself in any way possible.

Once we walked into the dining room, we all sat down and dig in eating. I noticed Nadia wasn't eating that much which made me worry, but I knew she was going to be ok.

"So Nadia, it's not certain yet, but do you want to start school? We know you've been to school before and we were wondering if you wanted to go with the twins to school when it starts back up in the fall" Dad said, putting down his fork.

Nadia looked up at our parents with a big smile on her face.

"Yes! I was wanting to ask you if I could start school but I didn't want to annoy you" Nadia said with a small smile. Dad walked over to her and hugged her.

"We could never be mad at you honey, the boys, are another thing to worry about" Dad smiled. "Harsh" we all yelled out.

I'm glad Nadia is coming to school with us soon.

Sorry, these are short but I am trying to post these am studying because I have another two days of exams 🥲

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