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It's been a few days since Nadia and the twins finished their exams and they're off for the summer. Dominic and Noelle have an idea for Nadia to meet her older cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents.

Their family members are all coming to the Romano home for a small get-together, Nadia doesn't know that she is meeting her family, but the rest of the kids know about Nadia meeting the family.

"Dad, why are we having a barbecue on a random Tuesday?" Nadia asked walking out to the backyard and seeing the table set up with extra tables. "And why is she table set out, with extra seats?" She wondered.

Dominic looked over to Noelle and she nodded. Dominic turned back to Nadia with a small smile. "Well honey, you will be meeting the rest of the family today"  Dominic explained. Nadia's face paled and she looked at her mom and her dad. "What?!" She yelled.

Antonio, Alexei, Noah and the twins heard Nadia yell, they walked outside and saw Nadia freaking out. "What if they don't like me? What if they see my flaws? What if they just think I'm a broken person" she exclaimed.

Dominic laughed at how much his daughter was freaking out, he knew his side of the family and Noelle's side of the family would love her, he walked over to her and gently placed his hands on her shoulders and Nadia calmed down.

"I can promise you, they will love you" he reassured his baby girl, knowing it wouldn't calm her down as much but he hoped she trusted him. Nadia nodded and knew her dad would keep her safe.

Eli smiled and turned to his dad and Nadia.
"I have an idea"


Everyone was arriving in or around the same time, so Eli's plan was to wait for everyone to get here and then introduce them to Nadia, even though they have met her before, it's been 13 years since they saw her.

The first people to arrive were, the grandparents on both sides, Dominic's siblings and their kids, and a few minutes after, Noelle's siblings arrived with their kids as well. Now that everyone was here, the boys huddled in front of Nadia and the walked out the back door.

Eli nodded to Dominic and he got everyone's attention. "So you're probably wondering why I asked you all to a family barbecue, well I wanted to be with you all today since today marks 13 years
since our baby girl was taken from us" Dominic paused seeing the saddened look on his family's face.

"But I have a small surprise for you that happened a few months ago, boys?" Dominic called out, the boys all moved away and there was Nadia, she had a smile on her face but her family could tell she was nervous.

Everyone froze when they saw the youngest Romano princess, there were only three biological daughters in the Romano family, and there are over 25 people in the family. Nadia is the only grandchild and niece that is a girl, since the other two are her aunts.

Grandma Nellie froze when she saw her granddaughter standing in front of her, she still remembers the day Dominic called her and Grandpa Eddie saying someone took Nadia. Their world fell apart that day.

Nellie was the first one to run over to Nadia and engulf her in a hug. "Oh my sweet girl how I missed you" she sobbed holding onto Nadia, thinking if she didn't she would disappear again. Nadia smiled and held onto her grandmother, happy that so far, no one hated her.

After a few minutes, everyone hugged Nadia and she got to meet her older cousins, she was the youngest in the entire family, but she didn't care one bit.

Nellie walked over to Dominic and Noelle with a smile on her face, but when she saw Nadia wasn't looking, she turned back to the parents and smacked Dominic upside the head. "Ow what was that for?" He exclaimed, rubbing the side of his now sore head.

"Why did you keep it a secret that my grandbaby was found?" Nellie asked, crossing her arms over each other. Dominic froze and got scared of his mother, which made Noelle laugh at his expression before walking over to her daughter.

"You ok love?" Noelle asked Nadia once she got over to her daughter. Nadia nodded and hugged her mom, before running inside and grabbing the small crate from the sitting room and bringing it outside.

Nellie walked over to her granddaughter when she saw her bringing out the small crate and placing it on the table. "This is mittens, we got her back from the vets since she had to stay there for a little while because she was a stray" she explained, taking out the small kitten. 

After a few hours, everyone sat down for dinner, Dominic had the barbecue going all day so the food was finally ready. Everyone sat down at the table and all had small talk. "So Nadia, what's it like living with five older brothers?" Alexander, Noelle's older brother asked Nadia with a small smile.

Nadia placed her fork down and looked up at everyone. "At first it was weird, going from having no siblings, to having five older siblings" Antonio cut in. "That treat you like the princess you are" everyone awed while Nadia looked down and blushed.

"Any boys in your life Nadia?" Everyone stopped in their tracks when they heard one of the family members ask, the boys started smirking, Dominic and Noelle started laughing, while Nadia blushed even more. "Um yes" she mumbled quietly.

The whole table erupted into conversations, asking about who this boy is and do the family liked him. After a few minutes, the family calmed down and continued eating.

Eventually, both sides of the family headed back home, Dominic and Noelle cleaned up the backyard while the kids cleaned up the kitchen.

Once everything was cleaned up, everyone went to bed, Nadia smiled at how today went and she couldn't wait to see them again.

I completely forgot Nadia got a kitten, until someone commented it on one of the chapters hahaha

The lost mafia princessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora