treasure hunters

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"Ok everyone, remember where we parked." Fred told them and they started to climb over the hill.
There they saw the sphinx of giza.

"That's weird, it has the head of a man, but the body of a lion

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"That's weird, it has the head of a man, but the body of a lion." Adrian commented.
"Yeah thats ancient Egyptians for ya." Jake replied.
Suddenly they saw a camera on a robotic arm pointing at them.

"Ok tape is rolling." They saw a man with a buz haircut orange shirt with a backpack where the cameras mechanical arm was coming out from and gloves holding a mike with the camera pointing at himself. 

"In 5

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"In 5.. 4.. 3." He held out 2 fingers then one. "Welcome to fear facers the show where it goes to fear and faces it. I'm your host rock rivers, behind me the nile river, no relation."
"Wow fear facers is the coolest!" Fred got in the way. "I'm your biggest fan."
"Ugh cut!" Rock yelled and the camera cut then went back into his bag.
"No really, I've seen every episode." Fred told him.
"Come on bro, we're losing the light." Rock told him.
"Guys rock rivers, every week he travels to the world's scariest places looking for video proof of the supernatural." Fred explained. The gang gave him a look and he immediately shut up.
"By supernatural I hope you mean extra organic granola." Shaggy commented.
"Did you say fear facers?" Adrian questioned. 

"Its ok you can tell me you watch my show every week am I right?" He asked them holding their hand. They yanked their hand away and held up a magazine of him with canceled under it.
"No I read tv gab." They replied.
"Fear facers canceled?!" Fred exclaimed.
"Ok so I faked some footage, big deal the ratings was huge!" Rock told them.
"So what are you doing in Egypt?" Fred asked.
"No fear here for you to fake. Unless your gonna be dressing up and acting like a monster to get the tv show back on." Jake looked at him.
"You mean you don't know about the curse?" Rock asked.
"Curse?!" Shag and scoob asked and scooby jumped into shaggys arms.
"Its all over the internet, they discovered a secret hidden chamber under the sphynx and released some majorly sick mojo." He explained. "If the curse is real and i get it on tape, they have to put me back on tv."
Suddenly jake and scooby sniffed the air and smiled at each other then ran off.
"Scooby! Jake! What's wrong?" Adrian called out and the gang ran after them.
"I think they picked up something." Shaggy told adrian. 

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