A surprising Unmasking

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Outside the sphinx, Emilla ran out holding the crown.
"BEAR WITNESS MIGHTY SPHINX THE CROWN IS MINE!" Emilla told it slowly putting it on. Suddenly horis swooped down and grabbed it out of her hands.
"NO MY CROWN!" Emilla screeched and ran after him.
Alio saw horis with the crown and used his camels which was attached to a system to lift Emilia up and wrap her in tarp and hold her there.
"I wonder, do Fred's plans always work so well?" He questioned.
"Ah you speak too quickly, the deserts still holds many secrets." Alio replied. 

Water started to crack from the side of a mountain and pour out with the gang in the boat.
They rode it down the nile river with the treasure in the water.
As the boat drifted on the land near the sphinx, the gang was on one side with Cleopatra on the other.
"Alright Cleo start spilling the beans." Adrian walked up and held her up and fist raised. "Wheres Jake? What did you do to him?" Scooby walked up and started to lick Cleopatra on the face. Suddenly the mask flew off revealing. 

"Velma!?" The gang said in unison. 

"Ok scooby, ok!" She smiled

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"Ok scooby, ok!" She smiled.
"Velma!" A voice yelled. They saw the blue and gold generals ontop of a cliff. The blue lifted his mask to reveal omar. 

"We did it!" He smiled

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"We did it!" He smiled. The gold general slid down and took off his to reveal Jake.
"JAKE!?" Adrian yelled and ran up to him.
"Yep!" He smiled.
Suddenly they saw horis drop the golden crown to Omar.
"The golden crown of Cleopatra." He said in awe.
"It is in good hands now, my young prince." Alion bowed to omar.
"That was great!" A camera came from behind alio.
"Can we do it again? I wanna get it from another angle." Rock rivers asked.
"Rock rivers is ok!" Fred smiled.
"Hang on is there really a curse or not?" Shaggy asked.

"As soon as we discovered the hidden chamber, omar knew treasure hunters will come from all over." Velma explained in front of the sphinx as everyone was in their original clothes.
"I hoped if we brought the curse to life, it would scare away the looters." Omar explained.
"So velma became Cleopatra, while me and my crew became the undead army."
"Then like you used the quick drying cement to make the stone version of yourselves." Shaggy added.
"Making us think the curse had really come true." Daphne added.
"I did add a few extra touches of my own, like the swarm of locus, I learned how to breed them." Velma explained.
"You guys put on a awesome scare." Rock told the 3. "Maybe we could do a project together."
"We already have rock. After you offered to play along, we took your video camera and catalog most of the tomb, thanks to you, that footage is gonna be seen all across the world." Omar explained.
"The only thing me and velma didn't count on was you all visiting." Omar added.
"But we could've helped you." Fred told them.
"Yeah why didn't you let us in on the secret?" Adrian asked.
"Like I said, I knew it was gonna be dangerous and I didn't want any of you to get hurt, but when jake saw the Omar statue and omar, we had to let him in."
"And next time you 3 dive into quicksand, I'm going after you!" Jake told shag, scoob, and Adrian.
"Oh that's not the bad part." Adrian smiled.
"Plus they was the bravest out of all of us, wanting to come back to rescue you both." Daphne told him and velma. 

"I love you Adrian." Jake smiled.
"I love you too." Adrian hugged him.
"And now Cleopatras final wish has been granted, her riches have been returned to her people." Omar smiled.
"MY CROWN I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS! I WANT MY CROWN! My crown." Emilla whined and her crew was tied up.
"Fred's trap actually worked." Jake laughed.
"I know right." Adrian giggled. 

That night at the celebration, they was shooting off fireworks.
Adrian was cuddling on Jake.
"Then when we dodged the sand spirit it fell into the water and started to spark out electricity." Adrian told him about their side adventure.
"Was it a robot?" Jake asked.
"Like yeah it was, the culprit was Hotep, aka Armin Granger, a civil engineer who drained the nile to the city." Shaggy explained.
"Whoa, you 3 had some adventure." Jake smiled.
"You should be proud velma, you helped restore one of the great monuments of the world." Alio told velma.
"I just had a small part in the work." Velma replied.
"But you played a very large part in all of our lives." Omar told her.
"Reah!" Scooby licked her face. "Scooby dooby doo!"

The next morning, everyone said goodbye to omar and alio then started to drive to the airport.
"That was some adventure." Adrian smiled.
"Like your telling me, I had a blast." Shaggy replied.
"It was fun chasing yall around." Jake joked and Adrian hit him on the arm.
"That's for scaring me half to death." Adrian explained. "I still love you though. By the way, how did yall make the carpet fly?"
"We didnt. It must've been real." Velma explained.
"So like there might've been a curse?" Shaggy and scooby gulped.
"Nah if it was the real one would've attacked." Jake smiled. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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