Solving "a" mystery?

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In a small town, fred and daphne was looking for shag, scooby, and Adrian.
Daphne had bought a bag to keep the necklace safe but they still hadn't found them.
"I was sure we was gonna find them- LOOK OUT!" Fred pushed daphne out of the way of a figure in a blue outfit covering their face.
It shot a net at them but got a barrel instead.
"Hey pal what's the big idea?" Fred asked.
"Just run!" Daphne grabbed his arm and the 2 ran but got caught off by another figure in a brown outfit holding a Bowie staff.
The figures knocked them down and the brown outfit one used some knock out gas knocking them out. A figure in a dark blue and red outfit walked up and grabbed the bag laughing.
Later that night, the 2 woke up to see alio again.
"Triple a, where are we?" Daphne questioned.
"We are on top of the great pyramid of giza." Alio told her. "We will be safe here."
"Did I mention I'm afraid or heights?" Fred asked.
"No time for heights Fred we have more important problems." Daphne told him.
"Like loosing your friends?" Alio questioned.
"Shaggy, scooby, and Adrian. Do you know where they are?" Daphne gasped.
"I have a friend who, shall we say, is looking into it." He explained as his hawk flew up and dropped scoobys collar.
"Scoobys collar!" Daphne smiled.
"Excellent work Horis, tell me where you found this." Alio told his hawk. Horis flew up and started to go a direction.
"We must travel north, by the stars." He told the 2. A few moments later, the 3 was traveling north.

Meanwhile adrian, shag, and scooby was being carried to a collusion.
They saw 3 chairs in the center.
"Like it's a sports arena, and its packed." Shaggy commented.
"You think they play baseball here?" Adrian questioned.
"Ri hope so." Scooby replied.
"Loyal subjects of the lost city, you have been chosen to follow me in the ways of ancient times, but now as foretold in prophecy the pharaoh ascoobous has returned." Hotep told the people motioning to the 3.
"Like hey it's the ancient peanut venders." Shaggy pointed to 3 people holding weapons armor and shield.
"I don't think those are for eating guys." Adrian commented looking at a spear armor and a shield.
"And now it's time for the great ascoobous to fulfill the prophecy, by making a sacrifice of himself to the all powerful spirit of the sand." Hotep motioned to a giant doors.
Some people unlocked it and it opened revealing 3 glowing eyes.
"Like why do I get the feeling that's not the home teams dugout?" Shaggy asked.
 Suddenly the eyes went underground and something massive was under the sand.
"ZOINKS!" Shaggy exclaimed and Adrian jumped into his arms and scooby jumped into theirs. It Suddenly stopped infront of them.

A few seconds of silence went by then 2 giant mutant like claws came out of the sand and the 3 ran but got stopped by a giant tail like a scorpions. They barely dodged it and ran fast. 

The thing underground was giving chase and came up above ground revealing a giant mutant like scorpion. 

It barely missed them when it striked at them knocking them up and they landed on its tail

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It barely missed them when it striked at them knocking them up and they landed on its tail.
The scorpion shook its tail trying to get them off and they landed on a pillar.
The scorpion started to hit the pillar making it fall and the 3 jumped to the next one over.
The pillar fell on the one they was on so they jumped to the other one and the 2nd pillar fell on it too.
It flung them to stables where they landed on hay and saw horses.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Adrian smiled. They got 2 horses and chariot and started to ride it.
Shag and scoob looked behind them and saw the scorpions tail coming from the ground chasing them.
"IM TRYIN!" They replied.

Adrian used the broken pillar to go in the stands and the bolts wiggled out causing the horses to run free.
The chariot flew off and bounced off a statue of scooby and rolled on the back in front of the stadium's doors and the scorpion chased them. The cart lost its wheels and the 3 jumped out running as it chased them.
"JUST KEEP RUNNING!" Adrian told him.
They got to a dead end and the scorpion jumped but the 3 ducked and fell through the wall into the water.
By the water, everyone saw it starting to short circuit and sparks of electricity came out.
"Its a robot." Adrian told the people.
"No citizens! Do not be alarmed by what you see!" Hotep flug his arms and a remote control flung out. Scooby caught it in his mouth and handed it to Shaggy.
"Like this must be how Hotep controlled that robotic sand spirit." Shaggy explained.
Suddenly they saw triple a, fred, and daphne on camels coming in.
"That man is not Hotep." Alio told them.
"Shaggy, Adrian, scooby! Your ok!" Fred smiled as daphne ran up and hugged them.
"Like yeah we just solved a mystery on our own." Shaggy chuckled.
"He is Armin granger." Alio pulled out a wanted poster with Hotep on it. 

"A brilliant civil engineer who has been illegally damning the nile river

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"A brilliant civil engineer who has been illegally damning the nile river."
Adrian grabbed some rope off a camel and threw a end to scooby. He grabbed it with his teeth and the 2 tied Armin up.
"Like thats how we got here, he must've brought the water from the nile to bring it to the city." Shaggy explained.
"And I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling phony pharaohs!" Armin declared as the citizens took him away.
"I bet velma would be proud." Adrian smiled then the 3 realized something. "Wait where is she?" 

A few minutes later, fred and daphne had explained what happened and scooby was howling. "This doesn't make any sense though.." Fred spoke up. "If the nile dried up because of Oman's scheme, could the curse of Cleopatra be a hoax?"
"Hey your right. Then who's behind all this?" Adrian questioned.
Daphne put scoobys collar back on him then gasped.
"My bag, the one with the necklace in it, where is it?"
"I'm afraid the thief's who attacked you did not go away empty handed." Alio told her.
"So they knew what they was stealing." Fred told them.
"Emilla vonbutch, she knew the necklace was the source of the curse." Daphne added.
"If she has it, we might never find a way to turn velma and omar back to normal or find jake." Shaggy added.
"Hang on shag, I think I got a plan coming on." Fred told them.

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