The curse strikes

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Emilla and her crew went down and used flares to light the torches revealing a picture of Cleopatra.
"Hello gorgeous." Emilla commented. The gang came down seeing it and gasped.
"Who is that?" Adrian questioned.
"The greatest women who ever ruled, Cleopatra last of the Pharoahs, ontop of her head she wears the golden crown and around her neck, the ruby onc necklace." Emillie told them.
"Oh that's just like-." Adrian looked at velma and cought themselves. "The necklace I saw when I was with crystal and amber."
"The tomb itself is sealed, imagine the crown of Cleopatra waits beyond this door." Emilla muttered looking over the hyroglifics.
She put something between the cracks and omar walked up holding a book.
"We have translated the hyroglifics, 'Thus said Cleopatra, a curse on those who will defile the secrete tomb of the pharaohs.' "He read.
'The nile will fall and the desert will rise, the army of the undead will awaken, and all who enter will be turned to stone.'" Emillie and her crew laughed at it.
"If that's true, we gotta leave, now." Jake told everyone.
"We saw the nile river, it was bone dry." Adrian added.
"But what does the desert will rise mean?" Daphne questioned.
"And like the army of the undead." Shaggy shook. "Let's hope they have a snooze button."
"Reah." Scooby whimpered.
"Nice try Cleo, but we didnt come all this way to leave empty handed." Emilla commented.
"If there is an undead army down there, our equipment will detect them." A girl in Emillas crew told them.
"And they wont be undead for long." The man in green pulled out his sword.
"Please dr vonbutch, in the name of archeology, let us treat this tomb with respect." Omar pleaded. "Its secrets will be revealed in time."
"I couldn't agree more." Emilla told him walking away. "And theres no time like the present." She pulled out a remote control and pressed a button where a small explosion created a hole where the door was.
"She has just destroyed 2 thousand years of history." Omar muttered.
"Dont worry omar, if the curse wont stop her, we will." Velma muttered back.
Jake heard that and looked confused.
Suddenly they heard screeching coming from the tomb. Scooby jumped into Adrian's arms shaking.
"That doesnt sound like a warm welcome." Adrian commented.
Suddenly 3 huge white orbs came out going to the surface. The man in the green shirt ran up following them to the surface.
"Hey doc! You might wanna check this out." He called to Emilla. Everyone came up to see a huge sandstorm headed their way.
"The desert will rise.. ITS THE CURSE!" Jake yelled.
"Everyone back into the tomb!" Velma called out. Everyone started to run back to tomb but Jake and omar got knocked into the tomb.
"Jake! Shaggy! Daphne! Fred! Velma!" Adrian called out and grabbed scoobys tail. "Where are you!"
"Adrian!" Daphne called out.
Adrian saw shaggy and the 3 got blown back into the tomb.
"Like man I never thought I would say this, but I'm happy to be back in this creepy tomb." Shaggy told them.
"Same." Adrian nodded. The 3 saw omar standing perfectly still.
"Omar, are you ok?" Shaggy asked and put a hand on his shoulder but he didnt move. "Hey- ZOINKS!" Shaggy exclaimed. 

"Hes been turned to stone!" "Then wheres Jake?" Adrian started to looked around

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"Hes been turned to stone!"
"Then wheres Jake?" Adrian started to looked around.
"Hey what's wrong?" Daphne asked as the others came down.
"Omar is stone and Jake disappeared." Adrian muttered.
"Oh no." Velma ran up.
"Impossible." Emilla told them as her crew was bringing equipment down. "How can this be?" She questioned.
"Lady cause of you, he's stone and Jake is missing. All because a greedy bi-!" Daphne covered Adrian's mouth before they can finish that word. 

"Alright in my signal." Emilla told her crew.
"No! What's it gonna take to stop you?" Velma asked.
"Nothing short of an army. Let's move it." Her and her crew entered the tomb.
"It doesnt make sense, why go after Jake and omar? Omar wanted to protect the tomb and Jake didnt do anything." Daphne questioned.
"Well gang, it looks like we have a mystery on our hands." Fred told them.
"No Freddie, we dont." Velma told them.
"Huh?" The gang questioned in unison.
"I'm sorry but it's just too dangerous, if something happened to you all, I would never forgive myself." Velma explained.
"Velma there has to be a way to turn omar back, and I'm not leaving without Jake." Adrian told her. Velma picked up a book in front of omar.
"Atleast we have Omar's journal, maybe it can guide us safely through the chambers. Ok gang, let's go in." She told them. 

"Like while y'all go do that, we'll keep Omar company." Shaggy told them as him and scoob had put down a table infront of Omar playing with cards.
"How about a game of 21?" Shaggy asked scooby.
"No way you 2. Like velma said it's too dangerous, we're better off sticking together." Fred told them as the gang headed into the tomb...

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