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"so, what do you wanna ride first?" jay asked. jungwon walked along side jay, looking around the amusement park. there was so much to do, and jungwon didn't know what to do first. he contemplated and eventually decided on something. "let's go on the highest rollercoaster." jungwon beamed at jay, and jays eyebrows knitted and he gulped.

"wow won, i seriously didnt peg you as someone who liked going on scary rollercoasters." jay gulped, rubbing the nape of his neck with his hand. jungwon couldn't help but laugh. "it's not even scary jay." jungwon said, taking jays hand in his, "c'mon it'll be fun, i promise."

jungwon lead jay to the tallest rollercoaster the park had to offer, and he could feel the sweat forming on jays palms as they walked hand in hand. once they made it to the line, jungwon unlinked their hands and smiled at jay, "you ready?" jungwon asked. jay only nodded smiling, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "don't be nervous jay, i'll be there the whole time." jungwon comforted, sensing jays uncertainty. jay nodded, this time with confidence. "yeah, you're right. let's do this."

. .

the line moved faster then jay had liked, and they were now at the front of the line waiting for their turn. as the rollercoaster approached, the nerves that quickly left returned just as quickly.  the rollercoaster came to a full stop and the gates opened, and people began to fill up the seats of the rollercoaster. jay felt jungwons hand slip into his, and pulled him into a cart. "we got this jay. it'll be over before you know it." jay nodded, clasping onto jungwons hand harder as the ride began to move.

jungwon looked over at jay to see the pure terror in his eyes as the ride reclined up, ready for the big drop. jungwon squeezed jays hand, reminding him that he's not alone. "you okay?" jungwon whispered into jays ear and he only nodded, giving jungwon a small trying smile. jungwon smiled back.

the ride dropped and jay screamed at the top of his lungs as jungwon erupted into uncontrollable laughter. even though they were falling down a rollercoaster together, he hadn't felt this close to anyone before.

"this ride is scary you liar!" jay screamed, jays knuckles turning white from how hard he was squeezing jungwons hand. jungwon just laughed, and jay couldn't help but join in the laughter at his own absurdity.  the ride began to slow down  and jay sighed loudly, his ears red and his free hand still clutching the carts bar.

"see? it wasn't that bad, was it? jungwon asked as they got off the ride, and jay couldn't help but laugh. "oh of course. i definitely wasn't screaming my head off or anything." jay said sarcastically and they bough broke into a fit of giggles.

"alright, i'm gonna go and use the bathroom. you wait here and i'll be back with some cotton candy." jay said with a wink as he walked away and into the bathroom. jungwon sat down at the nearest bench and he couldn't help but to smile. he looked down at his hand where jays once was, and he could still feel the warmth of his hand. he pulled out his phone and decided to go on instagram, posting a photo of the fun day he's having.

. .

"alright, where to next?" jay asked, munching on the shared cotton candy he got for jungwon and him. "let's go on the ferris wheel." jungwon chirped happily. jay smiled endearingly at jungwon and nodded. "let's go wonnie, you lead the way!"

jay and jungwon waited in line for the ferris wheel as they finished up their cotton candy. jungwon was humming to himself, enjoying the comfortable silence that consumed the two.

"is that jay!?"
"oh my gosh, i think it is!"
"who's that with him? are they dating or something?"

jungwons smile quickly faded when he heard the not so quite whispers behind them. he looked over to jay who seemed completely oblivious to the two girls talking behind them. he was glad that they were next to get on the ride.

"let's get on!" jungwon quickly said, pulling on jays arm and hastily got him in the ride. "someone must be excited to ride this, huh?" jungwon nodded with a tight lipped smile. he could see the two girls whispering to the people around them and phones being pulled out. jays face was out in the open and he didn't want him to get photographed. he knew this would happen, and guilt quickly began to sink in.

once they were situated on the ride, jungwon grabbed jays face with his hands and faced jay towards him, away from the view of the cameras. he wasn't thinking, he just did it. "hi." jay said, slightly confused, staring at jungwon in the eyes with a small smile. jungwon eyes opened wide in realization.

what am i doing??

"oh my gosh, i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to grab your face like that.." he said in a panic, immediately pulling his hands away looking down at his lap. jay bursted out laughing, taking jungwons hands in his.

"you're really cute, you know that?" jay said endearingly, caressing jungwons hand with his thumb. jungwon couldn't look jay in the eyes, he was far too embarrassed. jungwon felt his head being gently lifted up by jays thumb, and he was met with a soft smile. "you don't have to be embarrassed with me won, i like all your cute little quirks."

jungwon felt a loud thumping in his chest, and his face got impossibly red.  hearing that from jay both meant the world to him, and felt unreal. no matter how many times he pinches himself thinking he's dreaming, it all becomes more real with every pinch.

jungwon finally looked jay in the eyes and smiled, all flustered with pink cheeks. "thanks jay.." he said, playing with jays pinky fingers as their fingers were still laced together. "after this, do you wanna get something to eat?"

"like a date?"

"like a date."


wow i totally forgot abt this book if im being honest lol. i've been so busy with senior year that this book was completely wiped from my memory. however, ive read each and every comment that you guys have left and im so so glad you've enjoyed this book. i started writing this on a whim, not really knowing where im going with it and i still don't tbh lmao but i'm glad you guys have stuck around and read my story. i'm hoping to have motivation to write this story again, so please be patient.

much love,
sammi <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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