Good Morning

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Chicago's apartment was far from what I expected it.

Since she was on the highest level, she got the advantage of having a multi-level studio apartment that had stairs leading toward what I assumed was a bedroom.

As you walk in, you have an open-concept living area—the modern kitchen, the dining room, and the living room all in one area.

Everything seemed to be decorated precisely. Plants, hanging shelves with small decor, and a clear theme of colors. Sage green and light grey seemed to be reoccurring throughout the room, and while it was nothing big—like a grey rug or sage green kitchen towels—it was still noticeable.

Although, what seemed to be more noticeable was the mannequins and sketchbook resting on a stand by the glass door leading out to the balcony.

"Wow," I breathed out, veering over to the three mannequins that were dressed precisely with different fabrics. They looked incredibly well-dressed.

Chicago looked away from the futon couch that she was currently setting up, "Oh please don't boost my head—those are far from done," she said, laying the large cover over the now set up bed.

I gave her a questionable look, "So now you want to be humble?" I joked, easily earning a playful eye roll from Chicago.

Chicago walked over to me, looking over at the mannequins, "It's not about being humble—it's about knowing when the work isn't finished... something just doesn't feel completed about it, if that makes sense?"

I tilted my head, nodding slightly as I said, "Yeah, that makes sense," I said, backing away from the mannequins as I went to sit on the couch.

It was so nice of her to let me stay over, especially with everything going on.

Chicago turned to me, "Hey, the twins swear that they have the best sleep on that thing, so I think you should be good tonight."

I smiled, leaning back onto the futon, "It does feel really comfortable," I admitted.

Chicago raised a brow, "See," she said, tilting her head in a knowing manner. "Let me know if you need anything—I left a water bottle on the side table for you."

I looked over to the water bottle on the table beside the couch, smiling slightly before saying, "Thank you."

Chicago shook her head, "It's not a big deal, really. I figured I'd save you the trip to the fridge."

I only shook my head, "Not that... Just thank you for letting me stay. It means a lot."

"Oh, any time," Chicago said, waving me off as if I weren't a bother at all. She went to turn on her heel, but halted slightly, "And if you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here," she said hesitantly, clearly not trying to pressure me into talking, but also letting me know that she was here.

I smiled slightly, "Thank you, that means a lot—all of this means a lot honestly."

Chicago nodded, reciprocating my small smile, "Again, anytime," she said, turning on her heel as she walked toward the industrial stairs, "Good night," she called from behind her as she finished walking up the stairs.

"Good night, Chicago," I called back, sliding under the warm covers.

"Again, it's Chi," she called down from the second level she was on, easily earning a laugh from me as I snuggled into the soft couch that had been transitioned into a bed.

The sudden quietness of Chicago's studio was serene as I remained wrapped under the warm covers and Chicago's oversized jacket.

A faint scent of vanilla and detergent gathered around me as I navigated toward the deep sleep I was already falling into.

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