Pierce Can Go Eat Dirt

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"Bro come on Thanksgiving is tomorrow and you're just huddled up in your room," Davis said, walking into my room as I scrolled through TikTok lazily.

My brows furrowed when Davis snatched my phone from me, "Really? That's a little childish," I said, sitting up from my warm bed.

Davis only slid my phone into his pocket with a smug smile, easily earning an eye roll from me.

"I don't understand what happened—you were just fine before we got here," Davis said, raising a brow as his blue eyes analyzed my face. "Wait, Is this about Slo—"

"Don't," I cut him short harshly, and upon realizing how sharp and gritted my tone was with him, I quickly clear my throat before saying, "Just don't mention her name."

Davis held his hands up in defense, "Okay—Ms. Grumpy and brooding. I won't mention her name," he said, clearly joking as a slow smile grew on his face. Meanwhile, I wasn't the slightest bit amused. "Look, I don't understand what happened—you were just with that one girl, or wait... are you even with that one brunette still?"

I rolled my eyes, recalling Isabella—she was fun, or I guess still is, but sometimes she just really gets on my nerves.

"Yes, Davis, I'm still messing with Isabella," I said, my tone deflated as I narrowed my eyes at him.

Davis pursed his lips into a smile, "So why are you being a dick right now?"

I sighed, "Well, for starters—I'm trying to catch up on sleep since the parties have worn me out and you're in here fucking with me."

Davis shrugged, "I thought party season was over? Aren't practices in session when you get back to campus?"

He had a point—the team wouldn't be partying at least until basketball season was over given how grueling the practices were and how late they managed to last.

Which thank God, I swear, I can't even visualize another party without wincing slightly.

I'm so over the entire lifestyle—but now it feels like it's uphill from here.

The frat has accepted me, which means I'll have a chance to start this season—next year, I won't have to do nearly the things I did this year since I've already been accepted into the frat, and they would've already seen my performance in games. It felt nice to finally make it through the trials.

"I still would like to catch up on sleep," I said, my tone deflated as I held my hand out for my phone.

Davis only shook his head, "Is this about her going back home with Chicago?"

It was. "No, it's not—we're not even together, she can do what she wants," I said, knowing it would be hypocritical to say otherwise. I mean how else could I explain Isabella?

Davis narrowed his eyes, "Hmm, I don't know, you seemed to catch an attitude right after you left the living room yesterday—you know when Cher was on the phone with—"

"Don't say her name, Davison," I cut him short with narrowed eyes.

Davis tilted his head in challenge, "Clearly you still have some healing to do if I can't even say her name," he pointed out, practically blowing my last nerve. I swear I was short of those nowadays.

I shook my head, "And clearly you need a lesson on how to be someone's best friend—why don't we start with, not telling your best friend's ex to go away to LA with someone she's clearly interested in."

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