Girl, You'll Be Fine

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When Thanksgiving break seemingly rolled around, all the progress I felt like I made had crumbled—imagining that if things had gone right, I'd be spending Thanksgiving with Karter's family this year.

Instead, I'm here on campus after being hounded by Cher, Davis, and the twins on numerous occasions to go back with them—how it wouldn't be the same without me.

But I seriously just couldn't do that to myself. I knew how much it would all hurt, and after all the energy I had spent healing, I couldn't let it all go down the drain.

So here I was, walking through the empty campus from the cafe that was normally a buzz with students, but today it wasn't.

It was oddly sad, but also calming at the same time.

I guess I was just so used to waiting in a line or walking around a group of people who were absorbed in a conversation that I didn't notice the difference until now.

"I thought you would've already been gone with Cher," a voice called causing me to look up from my phone.

There stood Chicago in her normal running attire, who had halted walking right at the doors to our complex.

I shrugged, "I didn't exactly want to go back, considering the breakup and all."

Chicago pursed her lips into a frown, "That seems a little unfair—what about your mom?" she asked, opening the door for me.

I walked into the warm building with Chicago walking in behind me, "Well, you remember how I told you she was a travel nurse?" I asked, referring to the papers we had both written at the beginning of the semester.

Chicago nodded as we walked through the bright lobby, "Oh yeah—I take it she's working over Thanksgiving?" she asked, pressing the button for the elevator.

I pursed my lips, "Basically, and I normally would've spent Thanksgiving with..." I trailed off, weirdly hesitating at calling Karter an ex. But that's what she was. "With my ex and her family," I finished the sentence as we walked onto the elevator that had just dinged open.

Chicago nodded, clicking both of our floors, "I can see how that complicates things," she said.

I awkwardly nodded, deciding that I didn't necessarily want to discuss any topic surrounding Karter, "So what about you? Shouldn't you already be gone by now?"

Chicago laughed, "Woah there—you can't get rid of me that easily," she joked, which easily earned a laugh from me.

I nudged her, "You know that's not what I meant," I said, shaking my head at her playfully.

Chicago only rolled her eyes playfully, "Yeah, okay sure," she joked, before saying, "And I actually leave today for LA."

My brows raised, forgetting that she lived on the West Coast. "That sounds exciting," I said as the elevator dinged on my floor. I turned around slightly, "Have safe travels."

Chicago nodded but as soon as the doors began to shut, I noticed her brows furrow slightly.

I tilted my head when she halted the doors from closing, taking a step out of the elevator to me, which oddly enough made my heart rate pick up.

But if my heart was beating quickly before, it definitely got quicker when she suddenly asked, "Would it be weird to invite you to come with me?"

I felt myself smile against my own will, finding the offer completely selfless.

I wanted to say it was probably weird, but the idea of going to LA sounded fun—and then everything that she had said about her parents cooking... I knew I'd be eating good.

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