it's still not weird

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It was sundown now.

Enid had spent the whole afternoon talking to Yoko, asking for advice on what to say or do. The vampire did her best but all she could tell the werewolf was "to just be herself", which stressed the blonde out.

She fixed her hair before looking over at Wednesday, "Ready?" "When am I not?"

The two were walking, side by side, their arms intertwined on Enid's request. The werewolf was the only one who could ever be this affectionate with Wednesday without the goth making any kind of threat, things had changed a lot after the school shut down for a bit.

"Wens, do you remember our conversation?.. You know, the one from the first time I came over.." "Yes, you wouldn't stop asking insufferable questions." "Do you remember the last one I asked you?" "No."

Enid sighed, she knew Wednesday would remember. She remembered everything about Enid. The brand of nail polish she used, her order at every place they had gone to together, her favorite sweater, even her favorite holiday.

"You said it wouldn't have been weird." "It wouldn't have, feelings tend to be complicated among werewolves, who am I to hold it against you. I do have quite the charm." Enid rolled her eyes and lightly nudged the short girl. "Well.. that's what I wanted to talk about."

Wednesday stopped walking and stood still. "Us?" Enid nodded in response, "Us."

"I like you Wednesday, a lot, and I know you like me too." "I don't.." Enid sighed, "Thing told me you do." The goth's face dropped and turned red, "It's not true." Her normally steady voice was now shaky. "Wens, don't deny it,"

Enid cupped the girl's cheek, "... but just in case you don't think me and thing was just pulling a prank.." Her hand fell from her cheek onto Wednesday's shoulder. "I'm sorry if this is weird."

Wednesday sighed, ".. It's still not weird."

The werewolf grinned, "You do remember! You're such a liar!" "I had.. a better plan to ask you out." The goth admitted, fidgeting with her fingers. Enid brought her hand back to her cheek, "I think mine is a lot better."

She leaned in, pecking Wednesday in the lips before quickly pulling away.

"I don't bite." Wednesday said before pulling her into another kiss.

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