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Look, I didn't think I wanted to be a Half-Blood. The term had seemed barbaric and controversial when I heard it the first time. Insinuating that someone was less than human was mean and had undertones I didn't want to deal with. But after learning that it was a word used to describe someone who was half human, I still didn't like the name.

Demigod was a much more fitting term, in my opinion. Yeah, that's better. You know what? I'm gonna start over.

Look, I didn't want to be a demigod. It's dangerous and scary and most of the time it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways. But on the rare occasion that it's not doing any of those things... yeah, I admit it's pretty cool.

My name is Andromeda 'Andy' Jackson, daughter of Sally Jackson and Poseidon, the god of the sea. This is the story of how my world changed for the second time.

I never had very many friends growing up. I was the weird, awkward girl. I wasn't bullied everywhere I went, but I got picked on my fair share of times, and I stood up for myself. Or rather, he stood up for me. But I don't wanna talk about that.

In the 6th grade, I met Grover Underwood, who would become one of my best friends. At first, I thought he was weird. He always stared at me as if I reminded him of someone, and it made him sad. He used crutches at first, and when he got bullied, he looked like he wanted to fight back but chose not to. I didn't understand it, at first. As it turned out, he was a satyr, my protector. His job was to bring me to Camp Half-Blood, the only safe place for demigods.

When I made it there, I met Annabeth Case, the daughter of Athena. She was smart, smarter than I could ever hope to be. She loved architecture and she wanted to be an architect when she grew up. She was an expert in battle strategy, and she was a beast with her knife. The ruthlessness she had when she fought was terrifying.

Annabeth, Gover and I were sent off on a quest to collect Zeus's, Master Bolt. The god's weapon had been stolen and he had immediately blamed my father, and by extension, me. So, of course, it was my job to go and get it back and stop a war between the gods of Olympus.

At camp, I also met Luke, the son of Hermes. He... well, he seemed nice at first, but then he betrayed me. He had been the only one who was nothing but kind to me, outside of my mother. I thought he was my friend, until he almost killed me with a pit scorpion, announcing that he had been the one who actually stole the bolt.

I never saw Luke again, until the next summer. At some point, someone(maybe he snuck in, or maybe he had someone within camp do it) poisoned the magic pine tree which powered the camp's barrier and kept monsters away. In order to heal it, Annabeth and I left camp alongside my Cyclops brother, Tyson, to find the Golden Fleece, and heal the tree.

Now, the camp had already sent Clarisse to find the damn thing. I had never hated the girl like everyone seemed to think I did, but I thought she was a jerk, and I don't like jerks.

The real reason I left, was to rescue Grover, who had somehow gotten himself kidnapped in his search for Pan, the long-lost god of the wild.

After some crazy events, including being turned into a guinea pig, which I'm not going to explain, we made it to the Island of the Golden Fleece, collected the magic artifact and sent Clarisse home with it, rescued Grover and went on our way. But then, Luke stopped our ship on our way home to camp.

Luke's monstrous men brought us before him on his ship, named Princess Andromeda. I still wasn't sure how I felt about sharing a name with my enemy's yacht. Luke was dressed in a white t-shirt, jeans and Converse. Rather casual for the enemy of the gods. He smiled evilly when he saw us. "Hello, demigods," he greeted casually. Then he nodded politely at Grover and Tyson, "and company."

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