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When the Sun Chariot took off, I remember thinking. What could possibly go wrong? Well, a lot of things can go wrong. 

Not to be rude, but Thalia was a terrible driver. It probably didn't help her nerves that the weather would fluctuate depending on how high she went.

Eventually, Apollo took the hint and resumed control of his school bus, much to my relief.

The sun chariot landed lightly on Half-Blood Hill, and everyone all but ran out. After a look, Thalia, Andy and I made our way toward the Big House. Grover led Nico along behind us. The boy seemed so excited about being here, especially when he saw people sparring. "Can I learn to fight like that?"

Grover smiled lightly, "Sure you can." He was nearly cut off by Nico's cheering.

The Big House was a large, three-story building that was painted entirely in baby blue. There were multiple windows, and from certain angles, you could see the oracle up in the attic. It was good that Camp Half-Blood was disguised as a strawberry farm, otherwise, local authorities would get suspicious when they saw a corpse in the window. 

Grover led Nico inside the building to watch the orientation film(which I never saw, by the way) while we sat down to talk to Chiron and Mr. D on the porch. Andy and Thalia explained what happened on the trip in detail, while I sat back and occasionally made my input. Telling stories in sign language was difficult. 

Then... things got dire. 

"Thank you for filling us in," Mr D grumbled.

"We should send out a search party to save Annabeth," Andy stated. For once, Thalia seemed to agree with her. 

Dionysus stared at them looking bored. "It's too risky. The daughter of Athena is not worth risking three other campers."

Andy exploded, "You're pathetic! You gods are omnipotent but you refuse to do the simplest things yourself! Your incessant need to make our lives miserable makes me wonder why we bother helping you at all! The least you can do is try helping out a little!"

The god glared at her, eyes glowing purple with power and rage. I was ready to jump in and defend my sister, but it wasn't necessary. Nico skipped out the door to the porch and looked at us. "Whoa! You're the Wine Dude! That's so cool!"

The distraction saved my sister's life, and maybe mine. "The... Wine Dude?" Mr. D looked confused at the boy's enthusiasm as well as the nickname. 

"Percy, my boy?" Chiron shot me a look, glancing at Andy. "Would you three please figure out who will lead the campers in tonight's capture the flag game?"

I gave a quick thumbs up and dragged my cousin and sister away from the Big House. I looked at them with an expression that said, really? Andy looked affronted. "What did you do that for?"

'That was a god you just insulted,' I signed. 'You're lucky Nico showed up or else you'd be a puddle on the ground right now.'

"He deserved what I told him!" Andy argued. 

'So you deserve to die?' I countered. 'I don't think that. If you do it's slightly worrying'. I sighed, 'I want to find Annabeth too, but getting yourself killed by threatening the gods won't help.'

Andy crossed her arms. "Fine," she grunted. She looked at Thalia. "Do you want to lead capture the flag?"

Thalia looked at her curiously. From her perspective, our conversation must have seemed pretty one-sided. "I think you would be better at it."

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