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"Ah, the Champion," Kronos laughed with a terrifying smirk. The blade of his scythe was currently caught between the prongs of Percy's trident, but he didn't seem to care. "Most enjoyable to see you again, Grandson. Tell me, did my treacherous daughter tell you what she did yet, or will I?"

Whatever that meant, it only made Percy even more angry. He didn't respond, only attempting to disarm the Titan. Kronos' grip didn't waver.

"So you do know," Kronos mused. Luke's face twisted into an amused smile. "But not everything, no no no..."

"Oh, just shut up already," I groaned, standing up and readying my sword. "It's impolite to talk while getting your ass beat."

Kronos laughed, "Oh, how I love hypocrisy," he said. "Very well," effortlessly, he removed his weapon from Crosscurrent's clutches and slammed the butt of the handle on the floor. This released a shockwave, sending Percy flying into the side of Apollo's throne. He sat where he fell, clutching his knee with a pained grimace.

"Luke," Annabeth said, blocking a strike that would have cleaved my brother in two. It was an incredibly difficult, move, especially with a dagger. I couldn't do it. "come on, you promised..." With a shove, the scythe went flying, skidding across the floor of the hall and getting buried under the coals of the hearth.

"N-no!" Kronos shouted! His eyes were flickering, from molten gold to a bright, shining blue. "The boy is dead! I killed him! I've won!"

"No," Annabeth shook her head. "You haven't."

Line Break

People, mortal and immortal alike streamed into the hall. One of which was a young boy, perhaps 14 or younger, gently floating, with deep blue skin and a long, mermaid-like fishtail. His blue hair was tied back in a long ponytail and swayed in a non-existent breeze. He wielded a trident and was flanked by guards of a similar appearance, only older. The boy looked around the room, before rushing to Percy's side.

Before I could speak, a large hand rested on my shoulder. "Andy," Dad said. "You've done it! Congratulations. How do you feel?"

"I feel..." I looked around the room. All of my friends were receiving some level of attention. Even the fates were here, gently wrapping up the body of Luke Castellan in a silver shroud decorated with a single, green Cadeucus. "I don't know, Dad. I think I need a minute."

A small smile appeared on Poseidon's face. "Perhaps this will help then..."


Suddenly, a weight appeared on my arm. It was Annabeth, having linked her arm through mine and was gently leaning on it. Her face was sad as she watched The Fates carry away Luke's body.

Percy stumbled over to us, wearing a pained smile as the same blue-skinned boy from before helped him walk. He had broken his leg when he crashed, judging by the brace that had been wrapped around his knee.

"Hey there, nice to finally meet you," the boy said. "I'm Nerites, I'm a friend of your brother's."

"Pleasure," Annabeth answered for me. "Are you okay, Percy?"

'Never better' he smiled. 'A little sad, little angry, little happy. Tired, mostly.'

"So the works," I grinned, causing Nerites to chuckle.

"Seems about right," he said.

Percy gently pushed off of him and leaned on his trident as his friend floated away.

"Demigods!" Zeus thundered. The gods were all sitting in their thrones, looking at us.

We all walked(or hopped) over to the centre of the hall and bowed. "My lord," I said. Thalia came up behind us and stood next to Annabeth. I also noticed Nico sitting at the foot of his father's throne, looking happier than I had seen him in a long time. Standing with the hunters, Bianca kept looking over at him, but he didn't even acknowledge her presence. 

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