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I had heard that running gag a few times, even after running away. The other street kids would use it sometimes as they ran away from each other, or angry adults when they spent too much time in front of their stores. 'Team Rockets blasting off again!' I had never really understood the reference. I knew it was a television thing, but I had never really watched TV that much, so I only vaguely understood.

But after fighting the Megazord, I finally got it.

At the last possible second, I pushed Bianca out of the way. I locked eyes with Andromeda and mouthed You are my world, Sister. Then I disappeared into the foot of Talos.

I had practice climbing on things I shouldn't, so it wasn't too difficult to make it up the robot's leg and torso to the power source, which was conveniently located in the place a heart would go. Locking my legs together around some loose wires, I jammed my trident into the glowing golden canister.

The explosion rattled the sky, and I blacked out instantaneously. I awoke in what felt like a second later. My eyes were bleary, but I was falling. Falling fast. I could see a beach, but I was too tired to use the water. I blacked out again, maybe for good.

Line Break

I could hear a voice, from the darkness. Deep and earthy, like a rumble. "Worry not, child. You're not dead yet."

I snapped awake back in the junkyard, only I didn't feel awake. Like I died, but I'm not dead. I was right where I had been when Talos stepped on me. Thalia rushed past without even sparing me a glance. I ran to follow her. I clapped, but she didn't seem to notice. Suddenly she stopped, with a horrified expression.

I waved my hand in front of her face, but she didn't do anything. I followed her gaze. She was staring at Andy's back. She was on her knees, clutching Cross Current to her chest.

I knelt in front of my sister as she sobbed. I tried to reach out to her, but my hand went right through, like water. I was crushed. I made signs, 'I'm right here, I'm okay,' but she never noticed them, or if she did, she ignored them.

It was the only time in my life that I wanted to speak. I wanted to shout, scream, say something, but even in the ethereal plane I was confined to, no sound escaped my throat.

Grover fell to his knees, Thalia was still frozen in place. Zoe stood there cursing herself as if she thought she had made some oversight or mistake. Andy looked around, stopping when she saw Bianca. "You!" Thalia finally moved from her spot, rushing forwards to hold my sister back. "You tried to steal something! And he died saving you! What could possibly be so important that you-"

Bianca di Angelo had tears running down her face. Meekly, she pulled a small metal statue from her pocket and held it up. "It was for Nico," she sobbed. "It's the only one he doesn't have."

"What!" Andy screeched, struggling against Thalia's iron grip. I think I saw an elbow land against Thalia's ribcage, causing her to flinch, but she didn't let go. "You killed my brother for some stupid fucking toy? Why should I care why you took it? What makes your brother more important than mine?"

I sighed as Bianca flinched. Andy's insults typically came in the form of questions or sarcastic comments rather than jabs, but they hurt twice as much. She attacked where you knew it would hurt. It was a quality that had gotten her expelled a couple of times.

Andy stopped struggling after proficiently crushing what little morale was left. "Let's just go."

I sat up straight in my bed. It wasn't my bed. I wasn't in Cabin 3, but rather in a cave somewhere with radiant crystals and violet flowers that seemed to glow. My entire body burned, and with every movement, my chest and arms tingled from fresh stitches.

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