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"I don't think I've ever seen this place so quiet," I muttered as our force of only forty demigods walked through Olympus toward the Hall of the Gods. There was an ominous aura in the air. The only signs of life were the torches that littered the city, fueled with the spark of the West itself.

"Andy," Annabeth placed her hand on my shoulder. "are you okay?" I looked at her face. Her eyes were alight with worry, suspicion and curiosity. "Did something happen?"

"I'm fine," I assured her. "As well as I can be, at least. I... I've got a lot on my mind, is all."

I could tell she didn't like that response, but luckily she let it drop for now.

The Hall of the Gods was the only place in the city I thought would contain something living, and I was right. Baxter(formerly Bessie, until we found out he was a boy) the Ophiotaurus was swimming around happily in his bubble of water near Dad's throne, and Hestia was still in her usual place by the hearth.

I stopped by the door and looked around. I turned to speak to Percy, but he had already walked away. He moved to the center of the hall and silently sat down by the hearth. He exchanged a few words with Hestia, but I couldn't make them out. I walked over to them. Nico was with me, I noticed.

"Lady Hestia," I said with a bow. She turned to me with the same, warm smile she wore when I met her the first time. "It's good to see you."

The goddess bowed her head, "And you, my dear. So you three have succeeded. You bear the Mark of Achilles. Rather bold, wouldn't you say, Champion?" Hestia gave a knowing smile to Percy, who was rubbing his neck in anxiety.

"Mark of Achilles," Annabeth muttered from behind me. "Wait a minute, Andy! You bathed in the Styx, didn't you!"

Hestia giggled and clapped her hands, Percy hurrying to catch her fire stoker before it clanged to the floor. "Ooh, what fun!" she said with a dreamy smile. My brother looked at her like she might explode.

"Lady Hestia?" I asked.

"Oh, yes," Hestia smiled. "Danger draws near, daughter of Poseidon. The enemy is close at hand, but I fear something is misunderstood. Allow me," she reached out quickly and took my hand.

Images rushed through my mind. I saw, what looked like younger versions of Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth, all standing in front of May Castellan's home. I had been there before. Earlier that day, in fact. I met May, and I saw the curse that had been placed on her. Then I saw Hermes appear in front of the trio, and say they shouldn't have come.

The images ceased, and my knees buckled. Annabeth lurched forward to catch me. "Andy! What happened?"

Percy looked at me, and then at Hestia. 'My lady,' he signed, worry etched on his face.

"The goddess will be alright, young one."

My head whipped around to find a man standing there with a blank expression on his face. "Hermes," Hestia smiled dreamily. "How is May doing today?"

The messenger god let out a sigh. "As well as can be expected, my lady." He turned to Percy. "I'm afraid the absence of the gods here has made her rather... young feels like the wrong word."

Percy looked at Hestia and gently took the stoker from her hands, poking the coals of the hearth.

The goddess pouted when her item was taken from her, but smiled warmly when the flame grew slightly larger.

"Hermes, why are you here?" I asked him, drawing his attention away from my brother.

The god told us about how Typhon was advancing, and how we needed to hold out until the gods defeated him.

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