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"Perseus," Hestia called. I paused, she had never called me that before. "I believe we need to speak."

Nodding, I limped over and joined her by the hearth. I couldn't bend my knee, so it took some work, but I eventually sat down next to her. Wordlessly, she offered me her fire stoker. I began slowly poking the coals.

"First, I would like to apologize," Hestia said. "Do you know the whole story of how you came to be in my service?"

I shook my head, 'Coeus only said that you took me. If you asked me to do something, I would be forced to obey.'

"That is partially true," she conceded sadly. "The story begins five years ago, after the passing of your friend, Izzy." I flinched at the reminder. "After she was gone, many of your thoughts regarded your desire to see your sister again. It was these emotions, that first brought you to my attention. The first thing I did was look into your memories. Reaching out, I offered you my assistance, in exchange for making you my chosen hero."

'I don't remember that,' I frowned.

"Yes, I see now that you did not agree on purpose. You likely only had a feeling of where to go next, and maybe subconsciously, you agreed. From then on, you were my champion. I was the one who let Luke Castellan know of a second child of Poseidon. I was the one who guided you to where Luke's Empousa Minion would find you. I was the one who orchestrated your arrival at Camp Half-Blood, and I gave Chris Rodiguez the ability to speak sign language so that you would have a friend."

'But he said that he...' I said. Chris had always told me it was because his Dad was the god of Language.

"A simple memory charm goes a long way, Perseus," the goddess smiled. "I have been looking out for you since you were eleven, but I made a lapse in judgment. It seems that my thousands of years of loneliness have made me rather... young."

'Hermes mentioned that,' I told her. 'You were there.'

"Did he?" she cocked her head to the side. "I'm afraid I don't recall, but it only strengthens my point. I'm sorry, that my mistake caused you such confusion and stress."

She looked into the flames with sadness.

"If you'd like, I can relieve you of duty. You will be the Son of Poseidon once more, and I will leave you alone."

I only took two seconds to think, before I was moving. I took her hand in mine. 'No, don't do that,' I told her. She looked at me hopefully. 'I don't think you meant to hurt anyone. I think you just wanted a friend.'

"Truly?" she asked.

I nodded. 'Yes. I want to be your champion.' Tears appeared in her eyes, but she was smiling widely at me. 'On purpose, this time,' I added, almost as an afterthought.

Hestia laughed, before giving me a paradoxically tight bear hug, considering her 8-year-old body. "Thank you," she whispered.

'Of course,' I smiled. 'And besides, someone will need to be the counsellor for the Hestia cabin.'

"That makes me happier than you know, Champion," she said with a wet smile. "By the way, my cabin will require a fireplace and an unlimited supply of Hot Chocolate."

I grinned, promising to keep that in mind.

"Now, we have about 120 seconds before Andromeda comes looking for you, so go join the celebration. I will be found wherever it is that you may need me."

Nodding, I stood up and began limping my way toward the sound of music.

"Champion," Hestia called just before I turned the corner. "I am very proud of you."

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