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It was the beginning of August. At Chiron's request, Andy stayed in Manhattan until we actually needed her help. I wasn't completely sure about that. Telling her to stay home during the school year was one thing, but the summer was another. Summer is when most people are here, but essentially kicking her out seemed... unreasonable. My frustration was slightly soothed when Andy seemed to understand his reasoning, but not completely. 

I brushed the thoughts from my mind and limped back into the Camp borders. I had just returned from a solo quest to spy on the residents of Othrys. It had... not gone well. I had ended up being captured and brought before Kronos himself. The King of the Titans was a little bit eerie to look at. He was identical to Luke,(which made sense considering he had possessed the son of Hermes,) only his eyes were a cold, calculating gold. His face lacked any of the humanity it had previously displayed. He was sadistic. 

His scythe... that's the part that scared me the most. It had this enchantment that made it hurt a thousand times more than it should have. Even from across the room, I could feel the weapon pulsing with power. I had managed to avoid anything other than a cut on my calf, but it felt like all of the pain I had ever experienced at once, all in the same small spot. Even two hours later I could feel it throbbing, and it burned when I put weight on the leg.

I grimaced with each step but continued walking. "Percy!" Chris called out, running over and helping me stand. "Are you okay?"

I sighed as I could finally take the weight off of my leg, 'yeah, I'm great.'

The son of Hermes pursed his lips, "Hmm, yeah, sorry but I cond believe that." I rolled my eyes and grimaced as my foot slipped on a rock. "I'm taking you to Solace- Wait, ugh! The Apollo cabin isn't here! Neither is the Ares cabin!"

I squeezed his shoulder to get his attention, 'Take me to the sea.'

"Is this a son of Poseidon thing?"

I nodded with a weak smile. He sighed and helped me walk to the shore of Long Island Sound. As usual, the water was welcoming. I felt a familiar tug in my gut. The water started crawling up my leg and covering the wound. This is where things got more complicated, healing. It was a nice feeling, healing with the water. I could feel the wound stitching itself back together. The pain lingered, but it was better than it was before, having recovered enough that I could walk on it more easily. 

'Thanks, Chris,' I signed. 'That's much better.'

"Anytime, Perce," He returned easily. The Son of Hermes was a few years older than me. He was 19, which made him a year older than his girlfriend, Clarisse. 

'What did you say about the Apollo and Ares cabins being gone?' I asked him.

Chris shrugged, "We noticed a large group of monsters setting up a camp not far from here," he explained. "As soon as he heard, Chiron sent the Apollo and Ares cabins to raid the place. I don't know much more than that, though."

'Isn't two cabins a bit overkill?'

He shrugged, "I guess so if that's what you think. I'm admittedly not much of a fighter myself. I think Chiron wanted to play it safe."

I shrugged in return. I remembered I should probably go tell Chiron about my mission. I waved goodbye to my friend and walked to the Big House. Chiron was waiting for me upon my arrival. I explained the quest in mediocre detail. I usually don't like telling stories. My arms get tired. But with all of the fighting I had been doing lately, I barely felt it anymore. 

My hands shook slightly as I described the scythe. 'Kronos' army is mobilizing,' I signed to him. 'They'll be in New York City in two weeks.'

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