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"Andy," Luke studied me from his place in the emperor's box. "Which one are you? I can never remember."

Percy smirked next to me. "I don't know Luke," I replied snarkily. "Are you a hero or a genocidal maniac? I can never remember." Percy's smirk widened.

"And you, Percy Jackson," Luke said. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of speaking."

'You might have to wait a little longer,' Percy signed. 'Who's your friend there?'

Luke didn't wait for a translation. "Oh, this is Antaeus. He owns this very arena."

"That's right!" The Giant boomed. "We were just negotiating the safe passage of him and his army!"

"Oh?" Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "What exactly is the price for that?"

Antaeus narrowed his eyes at her, "This one is an Athena spawn. Killing you would be an amazing way to honour my father!"

Percy rolled his eyes. 'What's new?'

"Nonetheless, the price is a duel!" my giant half-brother continued as if he hadn't been interrupted. I guess he can sign. Where the giant had learned that was beyond me.

"A duel?" Luke asked, "Then perhaps a wager?"

"I'm listening, son of Hermes." Luke nodded, though he didn't seem to like being called a son of Hermes.

"I will select a champion from my army to fight one of the demigods." Luke looked us over viciously. "Whoever wins, will be granted safe passage through your arena."

"Those terms are agreeable," Antaeus bellowed. He turned his face to us. It was then that I noticed the monument to Poseidon behind him. It was painted with wave patterns and dozens of skulls lay at the bottom. "Which of you demigods wishes to fight? Upon victory, you and yours will be set free."

Percy stepped forwards and raised his hand before I could react. "Excellent," Luke smiled.

A monstrous guard with the head of a lion and the body of a man stepped toward us and shoved Percy forward. "What is your choice of weapon, demigod." The lion-man asked.

My brother pulled a wooden drumstick from his back pocket and twirled it around in his fingers. After a second, it extended into a long, bronze trident, Cross Current.

Antaeus looked at him and smiled. I gagged a bit, the giant had torn out his teeth and replaced them with barnacles as some discussing tribute to my father. "You are a son of Poseidon as well? This should be interesting." He gestured to the monument behind him, "I am Poseidon's favourite son. I hope you fight well, Brother."

The gate on the opposite side of the arena opened, revealing a boy with an eyepatch. "That's Ethan Nakamura," Annabeth said beside me. "He was in the Hermes cabin. Unclaimed."

Percy and Ethan circled each other for a second. "Begin!" Antaeus bellowed.

The new guy charged immediately. He went for a jab at my brother's face. Without moving his feet, Percy caught the blade between the prongs of his trident and shoved it aside. Before he could pull the blade back, the other end of the weapon slammed into his temple. Ethan crumpled within seconds of the fight starting.

The crowd roared with cheers and applause. "That is not how you play the game," Antaeus growled. "You must look to the judge before you end the fight."

Percy gave our monstrous brother a challenging look. "You fight him then Antaeus!" I shouted before I could stop myself. "How about we see who's really Dad's favourite!"

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