Part 7 Quila and rolling evolution

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Royal capital Barrat, Quila Kingdom

A desolate landscape and a dry wind that blows fiercely... Looking at the surroundings, there are no forests in sight and whatever trees that are growing are sparsely spread out.

An ocean of sand, a city of sand, and a region too barren to support any crops. This is the Quila Kingdom, where its people live in squalor, and other countries not only call them a barbarian country, but the poor country.

The people are so poor that they are desperate in their everyday life and frantic in being able to live. Being able to do their all to make tomorrow better than today is out of the question.

Those who are born and raised in this country leave their homes for their green and lush neighbor, the Principality of Qua-Toyne.

They help import food from the Principality by earning foreign currency from country-improving temporary employment, mercenary jobs, and so on. Since the Principality of Qua-Toyne sells food to the Quila Kingdom at a cheap price, they are often considered as the kingdom's lifeline and have prevented them suffering.

The royal noble who oversees foreign affairs, Metzal, is waiting in a room for the ambassador of the Principality of Qua-Toyne who has requested for dialogue due to "urgent matters".

What did they mean by urgent matters? Did something happen with the Louria Kingdom?

Various possibilities ran through his head.

The Louria Kingdom is a human-supremacist country that despises non-human demihumans, which are considered subhuman beings. They are a hegemonic country that plans to consolidate the entire Rodenius continent, and have lately been particularly causative of the tensions happening all around the continent. Since Metzal himself is a dwarf, he doesn't know what will happen to him when the situation comes that they are under the Louria Kingdom's rule.

As he was pondering on the contents of the discussion, the doors of the room opened. The Principality of Qua-Toyne diplomat, Payne, entered into the room with a nervous expression.

Metzal stood up and welcomed him. They hurriedly greeted each other before sitting down on their seats.

"What is this urgent matter you speak of?"

"To tell you the truth, an emerging country called Elysium has visited us and they wish to open diplomatic relations."


It is not particularly unusual to form diplomatic relations with emerging countries. Such matters are not exactly "urgent" in a meeting with a fellow country.

Payne continues.

"Before our country will open diplomatic relations, we have decided to send a delegation to them. We will decide afterwards whether to open diplomatic relations or not."


"Elysium seems to want to open diplomatic relations with the Quila Kingdom, so I have come here to request for our country to mediate."

Metzal pondered that it still didn't count as an "urgent matter", yet he began to speak.

"It seemed a while ago that you were in a hurry to talk about it... Is there perhaps something peculiar?"

Payne, who was the first one to speak, stayed silent for a while. After some time, he opened his seemingly heavy mouth.

"Actually... This Elysium is extremely too peculiar."

Metzal had stiffened his guard, but he didn't understand the description of a "peculiar emerging country" so he calmed down.

Payne talked about how a flying object from Elysium suddenly flew into their country and how their ambassadors came to them riding a colossal ship. He said that the flying object didn't flap its wings and flew at 600km/h and that the ship was made of steel and over 250m long.

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