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Ignore the mistakes:

"Taetae, why is that dfb is moving closer to my daddy," Jeonyul whisper asked as they both stare at the jihyo who was going towards jeongguk little by little.

"So she could sit close to your daddy and make him fall in love with her and become his wife and mother of your," Taehyung whispers back, gritting his teeth, his inside was burning like a fire.

"No! Dfb you can't be his wife and my mother, No!," Jeonyul screams and quickly went to jeongguk, sitting beside him, shielding him from her.

Jeongguk stops discussing with Mr. Yang as he looks at his son. "Baby, what are you talking about?," He asked him, too confused by his and taehyung's behaviour today.

They both are acting weird, talking in alien language such as dfb, whispering and laughing together as if there is no one else in this room other than them.

"I'm acting daddy, how's my act? Was it good?," Jeonyul grabs his arm and looks up, batting his eyelashes same as taehyung.

Hell jeongguk is sure his son is changing and becoming like taehyung.

He talked freely about everything now, rolls his eyes, gives sassy remarks and flips his imaginary long hair like taehyung.

"You..r acting is actually good bun, but you have to know that you can't act here, you're distracting us right now okay?," Jeongguk utters, strict voice but softness in his eyes.

"Yes my bun, you're disturbing our daddy, how about we go to another room and you show your acting to me okay?," Jihyo said, cursing mentally for stopping her from sitting close to jeongguk.

Jeonyul swiftly looks at her and rolls his eyes. "Dfb lady, I'm not your bun and he's my daddy, only mine. You're too old for you to call him daddy okayyy," He says, glaring at her, little bit pout.

"Ahaha, yulie. Let's go to eat, you must be hungry," Taehyung laughs and said when jeongguk signals him to take him from here.

Jeonyul told him to come closer as he walks towards him and jeonyul starts to whispers into his ear, blocking it's by his hands so no one will hear.

"Taetae, I can't go with you because this dfb is here and she might make daddy fall in love with her even though she's not nice nor she got good habit, who knows what will she do," Jeonyul took a deep breath as taehyung nods.

He copied jeonyul and starts to whispers  too. "Okay yulie, then don't move from this place, if she tries to talk to your daddy, you talk to him okay? Don't let you and him hear her voice,"

"Yes taetae, her voice is not good right,"

"Yeah, her voice is kind of annoying and sounds so fake," Taehyung whispers as they continues to whispers about her.

"Yes, her everything is ann-annoying and fake, dfb. She thinks that she will steal my daddy, how dare she. He's my only daddy, she looks older than my daddy and she called him daddy ew,"

Jeonyul yuck as taehyung bits his lips hearing his innocent remark, he got his partner, his gossip partner.

"Yes baby, he is and will always be your daddy, only yours," Taehyung and Jeonyul stops their gossip and laugh when someone cleared their throat.

"Share your thoughts to us too, we would love to hear," Jeongguk utters as he clasped  his hand and gave them lipped tight smile.

"Oh no daddy, you won't like it," Jeonyul shrugs him off.

"Then would you mind being silent for a minutes? We're discussing here," Jeongguk said boringly, eyes looks so done, done with both of them.

"But daddy we are talking with no sounds, we even cover with our hands so you won't hear," Jeonyul said and looks at him as he pouts.

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