13. jokes

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Ignore the mistakes:

Jeongguk and jeonyul looks at taehyung with blanket above their body in the same bed.

It's time to sleep but jeonyul wants to hears something before he sleeps and jeongguk wants to hear today as well.

So they both are waiting for him to say something before they sleep like some kids waiting for their mommy to read them stories.

"What kind of stories would you children likes to hear today?," Taehyung asked, bopping both of their nose and jeonyul giggles as jeongguk felt so childish but enjoying it right now.

"Funny, right daddy?," Jeonyul squeals with delight and looks at jeongguk who nods, he will listen whatever taehyung says and jeonyul wants to hear.

"Okay then funny one is it," Taehyung sat on corner of the bed and smiles at them before clearing his throat.

"Once upon a time, there's was boy named minho and his hobby was travelling around the world. One day he decided to go to daegu, which was believe to have a lots of beautiful places and kind people."

"And because he didn't like to stay in his home doing nothing and he was wanderer, he agreed with himself and he went to visit daegu with nothing but his bag which he had pack three days food."

"He roamed all the place of daegu in three days and he had nothing to eat inside his bag, tired and hungry he walked and walked and he finally saw an small old house, since he had no money to eat expensive food, he thanked God and went towards there with hope that people in there would be kind enough to give him food,"

"He called from outside of the house and two people came out, one was middle aged woman and one was around nine tenth age boy,"

"They asked him if he had any problem and he nodded. He told them that he had no money and food and asked them if they had some food to give him,"

"They both nodded and went inside the house again, he waited outside after a minute, the boy walked outside with jug on his hand,"

"Minho hyung-nim, I'm sorry we have nothing but this whey only, please don't be angry," The boy looked down in guilty but minho was more than happy to know about that.

So he told him to give him and the boy did, the boy said that they were dairy products maker and minho nodded and ate whole of the whey.

"They are right, daegu people are indeed very kind and caring," Minho said and the boy asked him if he wanted to eat more and poor him he was still hungry so he nods.

The boy gave him more and he ate all of it again and sat on the porch with his stomach full. He keeps the jug with him as he looks at the boy and smiles at him.

"You guys are too kind but why did you gave it to me for free when you could have sell it for money?,"  He wants to know what's the reason of this town's kindness.

"We usually sells all of our products but today an small mouse went inside the whey and died, everyone found out so we gave it to you because you seemed so hungry,"

The boy gave said with a wide smile making minho choke on nothing as he coughs.

"What the hell," He stood up and threw the jug on the ground and that cracked a little. The boy widened his eyes as he yelled.

"Mom! He broke our toilet's jug,"

By the time taehyung finished, both of them were looking at him with disgusts.

"What? Isn't it hilarious?," He asked and laughed like it's something funny.

"Tae, he literally gave him whey that had dead mouse and top of that he gave him in their toilet's jug, what the," Jeongguk cringed and jeonyul nods.

"They're bad, very very bad," Jeonyul said as jeongguk nods. "I don't know but for me it's funny," Taehyung laughs when they act like vomiting.

"Wanna hear a joke?,"

Taehyung utters as they nods. "Why did the cycle fall over?," He asked as they tried to guess.

"Because the one who was riding lost control?,"

"Because the tire blast?," But taehyung shakes his head.

"No you both are wrong, the cycle fall over because it was two tired," He chuckles again when they looks at him with blank face.

"Another one, how do we put the hippopotamus inside the fridge?," Taehyung asked as they started to think.

"We can't put the hippopotamus inside the fridge, it won't fit," Jeongguk said like it's the most stupid question to answer.

"Silly, you open the fridge, put the hippopotamus inside and close the door," Taehyung grins. "Now tell me how do we put the fox inside the fridge?,"

"I know that, you open the fridge, put the fox in and close the door," Jeonyul replied as jeongguk nods.

"Uff you both are silly, you open the fridge, take the hippopotamus out and put the fox in and close the door,"

Taehyung laughs while hitting his thigh like he says something hilarious.

"Now tell me, the lion king is having a party and all animals were invited except one,  which one?," He asks again and they starts to think, taking a lot of time this time.

"Tiger, tiger because they're known as the enemy of lion," Jeongguk utters and smirks proudly but taehyung open his mouth anyways.

"Seriously you're too dumb," Taehyung face palmed.

"What? Then which one? Obviously tiger," Jeongguk says, scowling at him. "It's fox because he's still inside that fridge,"

Taehyung utters and hits his thigh again, laughing like an donkey with asthma.

"Your jokes are not funny at all, taetae," Jeonyul mumbles, father and son looks so done with his jokes.

"Another one, school's joke, tell me what do hen gives?," Taehyung asked. "Egg," Jeonyul replied as he nods. "And what we gets by cow?,"

"Tasty milk," Jeongguk replied this time. "Correct and what do dog gives?," They both stayed silent, what do they get by dog.

"We don't know," They both said and looks at him for answer.

"Homework," Taehyung fall from the bed while laughing hard, jeongguk's and jeonyul's eyes were twitching as he continued to laugh.

He calm himself down and sat on the bed again.

"Okay another one," Taehyung utters and they both nods timidly. "What did the policeman say to his belly?," He asked and bites his lip, stopping himself from laughing.

"Belly? Stomach?, I don't know,"

They both looked confused and innocent like small cute bunnies and he wants to squeeze their face but controls it for now.

"You're under a vest," Taehyung said and just like their face goes blank. "I'm going to sleep, no I'll sleep now," Jeongguk turned his back and closed his eyes.

"Yes, I'm so sleepy," Jeonyul mumbles and turned around, hugging jeongguk's waist.

"Yah! I'm telling you something so hilarious, so funny jokes and you dare to sleep? Y-Yah," Taehyung humph when jeongguk shooed him away with his hands.

"Yulie! You too," Taehyung pouts.


The jokes was good I guess? But all credit goes to goggle except one, kind people of daegu one, that belongs to me🤭

And I'm sorry because this chapter has no story words only not so funny jokes😫💜

Boring double update for you guys:)

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