Corpse Queen

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(Location: Winter Throne)
(Time: Midnight)


The woman's voice, as she whispered to Daeron, carried an alluring melody—a delicate yet powerful enchantment. Her words dripped with temptation and mystery, drawing him deeper into her realm. With a chilling elegance, she uttered a single word that resonated with both desire and danger.


She said again Daeron eyes glowed the same brilliant blue as hers the fog from his breath began to intensify as if the temperature around him was dropping.

In that moment, Daeron resolve faltered as he leaned in, drawn irresistibly towards the woman's enchanting presence. Their lips nearly touched, the forbidden temptation lingering in the air. But in a sudden surge of clarity he thought of Rhaenys, Sansa and Joy and then he pulled away, the weight of duty and consequences crashing upon him. Regret mingled with relief as he resisted the dangerous allure that threatened to consume him.

As their connection broke, an unspoken tension filled the chamber. Daeron retreat left a lingering sense of longing and unfinished desire. The woman's gaze, a mix of disappointment and lingering fascination, followed his every move, imprinting upon him the lasting impact of a choice narrowly averted.

Though it seemed the woman wouldn't take no for an answer As she put her lips onto his, their lips converged, an icy tendrils of sensation cascaded through Daeron being, engulfing him in a surreal fusion of desire and dread. The Woman's kiss, like a wintry breeze, held an otherworldly power that seemed to drain the warmth from his very core. It was a touch that whispered of desolation and enchantment, a paradoxical blend of captivating allure and bone-chilling detachment. In that fleeting embrace, Daeron felt himself entangled in the enigmatic embrace of a queen whose icy passion promised both ecstasy and peril, leaving him with a lingering ache that echoed long after their lips reluctantly parted.

As she went in for more it the air shifted with the sound of glass shattering an explosion of flames hit where the woman was throwing Daeron backwards. Feeling disoriented Daeron tried to get his bearings as he struggled up on the slippery ice, snow crushing beneath him.

Looking at where the woman once stood there was only ice, littered around like shattered glass, Daeron unsheathes his sword getting ready for a fight, he finally spots the man responsible.

Seeing the cloaked figure for the first time inspires feelings of awe and trepidation. As he catches sight of the mysterious individual, his eyes widen with a mix of fascination and fear. The figure's concealed face and dark garments leave Daeron with a sense of unease and uncertainty.

A sense of foreboding fills the air, and Daeron takes an involuntary step back, his heart quickening its pace. The figure approaches, each step deliberate and calculated, emanating an aura of darkness that sends a shiver down Daeron's spine. The absence of any discernible features behind the hood only adds to the enigma, leaving Daeron with a deep curiosity tinged with a healthy dose of caution.

Daeron's gaze remains fixated on the cloaked figure, trying to decipher any hint of identity or purpose. The unknown intentions and the palpable air of mystery make him simultaneously intrigued and wary. He finds himself captivated by the figure's presence, unable to look away despite the growing unease that gnaws at him. Daeron's mind races with questions, eager to unravel the secrets concealed by the cloaked figure's veil of darkness.

"Come boy we need to leave" The mysterious figure says but Daeron points his sword at the cloaked man before he could touch him. The man stepped back, he avoided the dark rippled blade like even being in its mere presence hurt him.

"We need to leave before she returns, your brothers have already left days ago" The man continues.

"Days ago!" Daeron shouts out in disbelief, he narrows his eyes towards the stranger.

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