Red Flower

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(Sunset sea)

Margaery sat in the captain's cabin, something that was 'voluntarily' given to them after Daeron insisted that they should be allowed it. After a few words from the captain that she wouldn't dare repeat, that dragon roared again and seemed to follow the boat until the captain relinquished his room. Daeron had said it would be safer if we all slept in the same room and the captain had the largest room.

Margaery sat on the bed as she breathed heavily, her heart beating fast and sweat pouring down he face 'I left... I really left' Margaery thought to herself as she started to panic. She had thought about leaving home hundreds of times over the years but she never thought she would actually do it, now her mind raced over hundreds of things that she had never considered before.

'What will my brothers think! Will they come after me? I did leave a note. Will it be enough? I don't want them to get hurt?' All of these thoughts replayed in Margaery's head over and over until Daeron kneeled in front of her and cupped her face. 

"Margaery... it'll be okay I promise" She lost herself looking into his eyes, and through all her intrusive thoughts came the reason she left in the first place. She was in love and if Daeron told her it would be okay she believed him.

Her heart swelled with the thought that she would be able to stay with him for the rest of her life, while it felt weird to share him with others she felt that she'd rather not lose him entirely and she could learn to live with it, Aegon the conqueror had multiple wives so it's not entirely unheard of.

Daeron puts his forehead towards her "You have one more chance I can leave you at the Arbour, your grandmother's family are there, and you don't need to come with us"

"But if you do... you'll belong to me and I to you from this day until our last" he states moving his head back and looking at her.

Margaery can't help but smile tearily "You better because I'm not going anywhere, so you better not regret taking me as I'm a pretty high-class lady" She says the last part being a joke.

Daeron smiles at her before cupping her face and kissing her passionately, he loved her taste and her smell, the way her skin felt underneath his hands and the way she pushed her body into him. She was by far the curviest one of the girls he was with, his hands almost sunk into her breasts and behind. He felt himself enamoured with her behind as she had little to no muscle so it jiggled and rippled perfectly.

However they were snapped out of their passionate moment when Sansa pulls Daeron back "I'm sorry but I refuse to wait any longer, I made a mistake when I decided to wait, gods! you almost died, so I won't wait any longer" Sansa said with conviction.

Sansa moved the straps of her dress allowing it to fall revealing her naked body, making Margaery blush at the unexpected act "I wanted to do this alone but won't wait any longer so I'll be fine if you wish to watch just please do it from the corner" she said her voice dropping low in embarrassment at the last part.

Arya who was sitting on a chair eating a piece of fruit couldn't help but giggle at her sister's unladylike behaviour, she was tempted to leave the room for her sister's sake but the urge to see what was in store for her was too strong so she stayed quietly watching. As did Margaery who took a seat next to Arya at the table their eyes boring into the couple who were by the bed.

Sansa jumped in Daeron who was still fully clothed wrapping her long slender legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, she kissed him passionately slipping her tongue into his mouth and sliding over his own their lips pressing together. Daeron's hands held Sansa up by her behind for support and he found himself kneading the soft flesh causing Sansa to moan into his mouth.

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