The Princes Pass

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(Sky Reach)

Daeron sat outside of the War room House Fowler felt insulted that they'd bring a boy barely away from the mother teat to strategise for the upcoming battle, the fact that he was a Targaryen enflamed their anger even more as from their point of view he brought war to Dorne.

He didn't care too much, he was here for Arthur and would fight the enemy, The battle plan mustn't be too bad since Beric and Arthur are inside "You shouldn't frown so much Daeron You're going to start looking like my brother" he heard a voice say out from his left. He turned his head and smiled seeing Ashara, She was in a rolling chair, similar to the one that Doran had made for him, she was still weak and so she had to be moved around in it. She shouldn't have accompanied them to Sky Reach but she insisted that she could not wait around while her family fought, she would do her part no matter how little it was. Daeron smiled at her and stood up before taking the servant's place behind the chair, he would do this when he had time as he enjoyed her company, whenever he had to contemplate a problem she would help him through it.

Daeron didn't know that Ashara would go out of her way to spend time with Daeron, Her gratitude for what Daeron had done when he looked after her affected her deeply, she was convinced she would've gone mad if she had not had Daeron there to entertain her "Ashara are you sure you should be out, I'm sure the Maester advised you to rest"

"Tch I've been resting for months, I need fresh air and good company more than anything else" she replied making Daeron smile again.

"Well I hope I can provide good company, however, I have to say I am rather distracted," he said to her as he started to push the rolling chair down the corridor of the keep, House Fowler descended from the First Men so they've kept a Godswood to honour their heritage and this is where Daeron directed them to.

"What is on your mind Daeron?" Ashara asks as he pushes her.

"I'm concerned that I'll have to kill Northmen... they should not have to die for a stupid grudge that should've ended at the trident" he explained.

Ashara reached up and grasped Daeron's hand "You should not be expected to fight your kinsmen, I am sure they'd understand should you ask to stay behind" but Daeron shook his head, They eventually entered the Godswood and Daeron stopped moving her.

"I will not stay behind while Arthur fights for his life, that is not the person I am nor the one I wish to be," Daeron said with conviction, Ashara just smiled at him.

"No it's not..." she replied. 

"Either I beat back the King's Army or at the very least the King will get what he came for," Daeron said darkly, However, he was surprised when Ashara reached up pulling him down by the shirt.

"Do not say such things, your life will not be extinguished just to sate one man's vengeance, Remember who is waiting for you across the sea" She stated sternly to him.

For a minute he's too shocked to speak but eventually a smile forms on his face "You are right, sometimes I forget that I cannot risk my life so easily now" Ashara smiles back at him and cups his face.

"Do what you need to to come home, no more no less, You cannot blame a man for that" Daeron nods his head and leans into her hand slightly before standing up straight. He spent the afternoon with her as he waited for Arthur to update him on the situation.

Arthur came upon the sight of his sister laughing at something Daeron had said, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrow at the scene 'No... just my imagination' he thought to himself as he approached them.

Daeron stopped laughing as he saw Arthur approach them, he stood up closing the last bit of distance between them "Arthur is it decided?" He asked.

Arthur nods his head however he doesn't seem happy about it "A letter was received by Lord Fowler, it gave him command of the army, his strategy is... well it leaves a lot to be desired"

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