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(Dornish Camp)
(Two Months Later)

Oberyn sat in his tent sipping on a glass of Dornish red, the sour liquid splashed on his tongue making him cringe slightly. However, years of drinking the wine had given him a taste for it, much more than the piss that the rest of the seven kingdoms drink. Plus he could tell he was going to need a lot of this in the next few moments, as his 'Nephew' Aegon insisted on seeing him, he had managed to avoid their meeting as he had the excuse of dealing with the aftermath of the battle as well as fortifying their position, even with Aegon's troops they were still vastly outnumbered and that would be even more true when the Lannister forces arrive with the rest of the Reach forces.

Likely, they'll easily break through whatever defence they can manage to muster but the alternative was the King setting Dorne alight and killing thousands more. It seems they'd have to resort to the tactics of old and harass their lines while they make their way through the desert, Oberyn planned to allow their army into Dorne while keeping half of his forces hidden, they'd target the Kings supplies while blocking off any retreat, knowing the King he will be forced to take conquer a castle, though this will have to be on the Dornish sea if we want to resupply by sea 'Though no matter what castle he picks there will be a surprise left for him in each' Oberyn thought to himself with a smile.

"Lord Oberyn, his Grace wishes to see you" One of the soldiers guarding his tent informs him as he pokes his head through.

Oberyn sighs and clenches his fists as he silently prays to the seven and whatever gods may be listening for strength not to shove his spear down this liar's throat. He took a deep breath and calmed himself, he needed to heed his Nieces words, at the moment they needed Aegon's forces, a force of 10,000 soldiers professionally trained and cohesive would annihilate twice or perhaps even thrice their number if it only consisted of levies.

"Let my nephew inside" Oberyn stated as he drained the remainder of his cup before pouring himself a new one. The guard left his tent and a few seconds after a boy perhaps a little older than Daeron walked inside Oberyn scanned his face immediately, perhaps because he had a small hope in the back of his mind that Rhaenys was wrong and Aegon was his nephew. But those hopes were instantly dashed against the wall a few seconds after he saw him, on the surface he looked every bit like a Valyrian that his father did but those who knew Rhaegar and had seen him before could tell there were vast differences. Oberyn also saw none of his sister in the boy as he hoped he would not unlike in Rhaenys where she looked the spitting image of her mother with some traits of her father.

Aegon walked into the tent with a wide smile on his face "Uncle! I am glad to finally see you, where have you been binding yourself" he said as he approached Oberyn.

The older man barely managed to crack a smile as he stood up and embraced the boy who claimed to be his blood "I apologise nephew war has kept me a busy man, and even now I find myself with many things to do" he felt his body tensed as he embraced Aegon but forced himself to relax.

"It is good to be around family again" Aegon said with a smile as he detached himself from his uncle "Speaking of family I believe it's time you be reunited with another member" Aegon said as he gestured towards the entrance of the tent.

Oberyn looked to the entrance to see a beautiful tanned woman enter, he knew who Aegon meant this to be and he clenched his fists so hard that he thought blood might draw. The woman had a small bump on her belly indicating she was pregnant "Uncle... it is good to see you, I have not seen you since I was a little girl" she said with a smirk.

Oberyn forced himself once again to smile at the duo "Rhaenys... words cannot express how delighted I am to see you" Oberyn had met many people before and so he believed himself to be a good judge of character. When he saw Aegon come into his tent the smile he wore could only be expressed by someone genuine, however, this Rhaenys wore the mask of a seasoned mummer. What this told him was while Aegon believed himself to be his nephew, this 'Rhaenys' knew she wasn't, he didn't know what game these people were playing but he did know he wanted no part of it.

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