The Darkstar

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(One month later)

Daeron was in absolute bliss as he lay on the large bed with his wife Rhaenys and their two children between them, he started to believe that maybe this was the life that suited him most, a simple one where he lived with his wife in a small keep on the coast and grew old while they watched their children grow. It was hard to believe that Daeron had only just turned 15 name days old and he was already a father of two children. Though he can't say he regretted it and if faced with the same choice again he would never stray.

He reached over to his wife who wore a loose silk negligee and kissed her on the lips, this wasn't the hot and passionate kiss he would usually give her but one that was slow and romantic as he poured his feelings of love into it.

She looked at him tiredly but with affection in her eyes, her body was still exhausted from giving birth and so she spent most of the time in bed, Daeron had not left her side at all and would look after the children while she slept, she did not want a wet nurse and insisted on nursing them herself as they were her children.

And servants were rather unnecessary when Rhaenys had several girls willing to do anything they could to take care of her and the babies, Myrcella being at the top of the list. The children also had the protection of two dragons each of which felt as if they shared a relation to the children as they had the same father and mother.

Daeron however was very tired, he'd been up a lot since the birth making sure that Rhaenys was healthy and that the babies were okay, perhaps it was because of the fate that his mother had faced as she was taken in a birthing fever. He wouldn't know what to do if he lost his sister in such a way but he was glad he wouldn't have to find out.

"Daeron... go and get some fresh air and something to eat, Myrcella will be arriving soon and she can help but for the rest of the night" Rhaenys said gently as she stroked his face.

Daeron shook his head "I am fine my love, I can eat later" he states however he gets a stern look from Rhaenys.

She then smiles again "I'm sorry my love but it seems that you believe I was asking you... I was not," she says in a voice that sends a tingle down his spine.

Daeron sighs and kisses both Jaehaerys and Alysanne on their heads before getting up and leaving the room, she was right he was hungry and exhausted, but he wanted to spend every moment with his children. He headed down the corridors going towards the kitchens when he bumps into a woman that he had seen only briefly.

She had long dark curly hair similar to Rhaenys but her skin was more tanned and her eyes were dark, her bust seemed slightly bigger as well though that could've been because she was a lot shorter "I'm sorry my lady, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" he said with a smile on his face.

Arianne smiled back a small blush dusting her cheeks "Please call me Arianne, it wouldn't be fitting for my cousin's husband to be so formal with me" she said in a sweet voice.

"May I ask where you were going?" She asks in a curious tone.

"I was just heading to the kitchens to get some food, I have not had the chance to eat in these past few days," He said sheepishly.

She smiles and loops her arms around his "I was thinking of doing just the very same, I hope you wouldn't mind escorting me"

Daeron smiles but rolls his eyes slightly "Of course not Arianne" he says as they walk towards the kitchens, he can feel her bust pressing into his arm almost engulfing it if not for the fabric that separated it. Daeron thought he would be used to the attentions of a woman by now and yet he still felt himself blush at the short woman's soft body pressed against him.

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