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"You have pleaded not guilty of all the charges against you; but the High Court finds you guilty of fraud and attempt to defraud the Rhodesian Government. And since you orchestrated and initiated this act in the then Republic of Rhodesia and Nyasaland in the North, you are to be extradited to the Lusaka Central Corrections facility in Zambia." Shouts the white man holding a gavel.
"You have been sentenced to 3years in prison and a fine of £20,000." He tightens his grip on the gavel as he pounds it on a wooden block.
"Your honor! According to section..."
"Court is adjourned." The judge interrupts the other white man in a robe and peruke.

The Republic Of Rhodesia (1978)

Chisiriro Ncube watched as he was being sentenced. He stood, kissed his wife on the cheek and they took off.
"Aisha!" She heard her name being called as she watched her husband leave. She turned to see who it was.
"What do you want John?" She replied.

John: I just wanted to ask how you are feeling.
Aisha: How am I supposed to feel?

"I'm not going to assume anything here."
John responded in his cockney British accent.

Aisha: Your company defrauds people, and what do you do? You pin it on the black man.
John: You wouldn't understand the mechanics of my company. And I cannot be racist. My wife and son are black.
Aisha: Is that what you are calling these coloreds these days? My husband is going to prison because of you. He doesn't even have that much money, our property will be taken. If we are lucky they will just seize the cars.
John: I'm sorry about that.
Aisha: And my children? How will we survive? How will they go to school now? How!
John: That's exactly why I am here. I have a proposal for you.
Aisha: Speak!
John: I want you to give me temporary custody of your children. They can stay at my estate and go to school. A good school, St Georges College.
Aisha: What? Now I am a charity case? Your company wouldn't have made it without my husband. Imbwa yemhunhu (Shona interpretation; - "dog")
"Mrs Ncube!" The man in a robe calls her.
"Yes, Mr Lanceson!" Aisha replies.

John: I'm going now. Just think about what I said.

"Goodbye John." She ends the conversation with John.

Aisha: What do you have for me Lance?
Lance: We are doing whatever we can to get your husband out of prison or at least a shorter sentence.
Aisha: Do whatever you can but put more pressure on getting him in Rhodesia. I don't have money to go to Zambia every-time I want to see him.
Lance: I will do my best. Mr Ncube is a good man. You don't even have to worry about the legal fees.
Aisha: Thank you for everything Lance. I hope the next time we meet will be under marvelous conditions.

*SYMBIOSIS*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon