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The Prison
Lusaka, Zambia

Ncube: Today is the day.
Sipho: Did you already talk to the guy?
Ncube: Yes. I think he is already waiting for us.
Sipho: How do we execute this?
Ncube: We wait for the shift change and cause havoc.
Sipho: If it was that easy, then why haven't any convicts tried escaping?
Ncube: I don't know. They are dumb.


Ncube: It's time my brother.
Roger: What if they shoot?
Sipho: They aren't allowed to shoot at white collar criminals.
Ncube: Shift change.

The armed guards left and Sipho went to work.
He hunkered down and cut one wire at the very bottom of the fence and untied the knots. He slithered under the fence and went to do the same to the second one.

It only took one person to notice and the rest of the guys, those who were playing soccer or sitting or lifting, saw an opportunity to leave the place.
Roger and Ncube ran towards the fence and went under it just about the time Sipho was done with the other fence.

"Freedom!" One person shouted as the guards arrived for their shift. One guard sprinted towards a switch and sounded an alarm but it was too late because the three masterminds were already halfway through the escape.

A man appeared in front of the 3 leading sprinters. "Sugar Ray!" Sipho cried while realising how much danger they are in.The prison guard stood there waiting for the men to come his way and he grabbed two of them with ease.

Sipho and Roger tried to relieve themselves from this hold but their endeavours were in vain. Chisiriro came back for them and kicked the guard's knee. The guard relieved the two man and an army of more convict ran towards them and stepped over Sugar Ray whom no one thinks survived that incident.

The three men went around the durawall and got to the last gate which was locked and guarded by 4 armed men.

Sipho: Do we go back or what?
Ncube: Wait.
Roger: For what?

The army of convicts came running their way.
Ncube: For that.

The guards were tackled and the gate was opened.

The man continued with their sprinting until they got to Lance.

Lance: What took you so long?
Ncube: I was busy breaking out.
Lance: Who are these guys?
Ncube: Roger and Sipho. They are my friends.
Lance: Get in. Get those clothes and change. They are going to be looking for you.

Lance started the engine and moved. They travelled in silence until the reached the border.

"Passports please!" One armed man said.
Lance pulled out a diplomatic passports and said, "I need to transport these two quickly. If you make me wait you may cause a war."

The armed man understood and gave him some escorts so that they wouldn't be stopped until they were on the other side of the border. They got to the other side of the border.

Roger: You have to drop me here.
Ncube: Why?
Roger: I need to see someone in Mozambique.
Ncube: You need to change those clothes.
Roger: Don't worry about me. Nobody here knows that these are prison clothes.
Sipho: Til we meet again boss.

Roger left the guys and ran into the wild.
The men looked for a place to spend the night so that they could continue their journey in the morning. They got to a petrol filling station and filled up their tank.

"Where can we find a motel?" Lance asked the man who worked at the filling station. "Continue driving in the direction you were driving. You will see a motel at the right side of the road in one or 2 kilometers." The man replied. "Thank you!" Lance thanked the man.
They drove and got to the motel where they booked a two bed motel room.

Ncube: Nice to finally see a good bed right?
Sipho: Definitely.
Ncube: Let me take a real shower.

The Next Day

Lance: Let's go already.
Ncube: Two minutes.

The men departed from the motel.

Salisbury, Rhodesia

Lance: Beautiful Salisbury.
Ncube: Take me to my neighborhood.
Lance: Okay, let me do that.

They drove to Ncube's neighborhood.
Ncube: Stop here! Let me finish on foot. I want to go in undetected and surprise them.
Lance: Should we wait for you or?
Ncube: Yes! twenty to thirty minutes.
Lance: Ok. I can officially rest from all this driving.

Ncube left and got to his house where he jumped the fence.

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