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[A scene that was withheld from CHAPTER 2;- why Austin, Colin and Cherise were unenthusiastic after school.]

A white lady entered the classroom.
"Good morning Mrs Watkins." One person shouted and everyone else followed the lead.
"Good morning class. Why is this classroom dirty?"She said. "You new girl, what is your name?"
Cherise: I am Cherise.
Watkins: Cherise! Pick up the litter and open the windows in here.
Cherise: Okay.
Cherise: I'm on duty this week. Please behave, especially you dark delinquents. I will not be tolerating your shenanigans this time. Understand? Donovan!
Donovan: Yes ma'am!

Cherise scanned the baseroom and noticed something. There were only three black people in this room and she was one of them.
Makanaka and Donovan were the other.


It was time for Cherise's first lesson, European History.The History students went to their lessons area and their teacher entered. An old black man with gray hair. "Good morning my fellow historians." He said. "I see a new face in here. I am Mr Moyo. What is your name?"
Cherise: Cherise!
Moyo: No. Your other name.
Cherise: Zvikomborero.
Moyo: Yes. That's the name I will be calling you. Have you ever done European history?
Cherise: No.
Moyo: Well, you are in luck. I have studied it for over 30years now. And I was alive when some of the things happened.

Moyo laughs along with a few students with a sense of humor. A couple of half-hearted teenagers were silent.

Cherise: I guess I'm in luck.

A chuckle is heard from within the class.

Moyo: Miss Fletcher! What may be the cause of your sudden enthusiasm.
Jenny: Sorry sir but the way she pronounces her words is just funny.
Moyo: Maybe that is because English isn't her first language. This school admitted its first black students in '63. You would think by now you will be used to our way of speaking but...
Jenny: Sorry sir.
Moyo: Okay. Let's learn now.

Colin's baseroom

"Guys, guys let's talk about this!" Colin shouts. He was trying by all means to avoid a fight.
"Tell this friend of yours to give me back my pen." Classmate responds.
"I don't have your pen boy." Austin shouts out.
"Austin! Winston! Guys, please!" Colin tries to put out a fire.
"I know he has my pen. Criminal. I guess like father like son." Winston triggers the fight.
"Hanziii ne idzi? Heee! Iwe zimu bhunu iwe."

Austin angrily shouts in synchronized motion of his fist which landed on Winston's nose. He did not wait for him to throw a punch back; he pushed Winston and punched his face.
Winston grabbed the nearest piece of furniture, a chair, which he threw at Austin.
Austin tackled Winston and the fight was relocated to the floor with a reasonable exchange of blows.

"Boys!" Mrs Watkins' voice is heard. "New boy, my office tomorrow! Winston, go home."

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