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Salisbury, Rhodesia
Littlewood Residence

It was quite a bright morning but the atmosphere wasn't as pleasing.

The Living room

Sarah: First day of school guys!
Cherise: I'm nervous.
Austin: Nervous isn't a strong enough word for it.
Cherise: Exactly.
Colin: Don't worry guys. It's not that bad.
John: If it's not that bad, then why have you not made any friends since you came from England?

Austin laughs.

Colin: Dad!
Sarah: Don't scare then John.
John: They don't look scared to me.

Mr Little wood was all suited up in his 3piece black suit. The school kids were all dressed in their school uniforms.

Sarah: Your breakfast is ready guys.

They all sat in the dining room and enjoyed their meal.

"Get your school bags and let's go." John said whilst holding tightly his car keys.
"Mercedes Benz huh!" Sarah said.
"I'm meeting Mr Ruredzo today. He is a potential investor." John replied. "I have to make a good impression."

Sarah: It's my first time seeing you trying to impress a black man.
John: He is an exceptional man. A plethora of vehicles under his name. And you are forgetting that I tried to impress your father.
Sarah: Oh yes. [laughing] I had forgotten.

They all got into the luxury automobile and left for St. George's. When they got to the school they got out of the car and were each handed a page. Colin had a quick glance.
"Not this again, father!" He said.
Austin: An after school schedule. Interesting.
Cherise: Grooming? What is grooming?
Colin: All I can say is you aren't going to enjoy it.
John: Have a nice day guys.

Mr Littlewood left the perimeter.

"Hey you! Where is the Lower sixth Arts class?" Cherise shouts at a tall dude.
"Go straight; the 4th room is your baseroom."
He replied. "I'm Donovan Tanaka."
"I'm Cherise Ncube." She replied him smiling.
She got in the room at started to settle. She got a free desk and put it near a window, which infuriated one of the classmates.
"That's my place?" The classmate shouted. "Get another place, newbie!"
"Give the girl a break, Maka!" A deep familiar voice is heard.

Cherise turned her head.
Cherise: Donovan.
Donovan: At your service mademoiselle.

He went to Maka.

Donovan: Just let her be Makanaka. She is new.

Makanaka was staring into his eyes and seemed as if she was expecting something.

Cherise: Thanks.
Donovan: You are welcome.

Makanaka began to look for a new place.
Cherise: She likes you, you know.
Donovan: Hmmm i don't think so.

The Prison
Lusaka, Zambia

"Are you looking at me? Huh, you. Why are you looking at me?" Someone shouts from behind the two fellas, Sipho and Chisiriro.
"Hey, what's happening there?" Sipho strikes a question on an unsuspecting bystander.

There was a muscular guy facing a light-skinned skinny man. Two other men were standing at the muscular guy's sides as if they were is muscle or bodyguards. The skinny man looked frightened to the core. With his soul halfway out of his body. They had drawn everyone's attention and lured them into the scene.

"That guy is new here. He is in for homosexuality and public display of homosexuality." Replied the bystander. "Hi! I am Roger." He shakes Ncube's hands.
Ncube: I am Chisiriro.
Sipho: I am Sipho.

"Gay man!" The bully shout while spitting (thuuu)."Disgusting!"

The other two men hold the homosexual fella and the big man starts throwing punches. This went on for a few seconds, with some guards enjoying, until one guard singlehandedly stopped it. This guard was nicknamed Sugar Ray and not many knew his name. He came to have this name when he was imprisoned in this prison and he put down 4 guards on his own. He could fight any guy and win, so people were not surprised when he broke this activity.

Ncube: This guy is strong huh?
Roger: They call him Sugar Ray.
Ncube: After the famous boxer Robinson?
Roger: I'm not sure but the name suits him.
Sipho: For sure it does.

The three bullies we taken to solitary confinement.

Ncube: Is solitary confinement that bad?

Roger laughs for a bit then immediately got serious.

Roger: Ok imagine this; many of these guards are angry. They are almost always angry. In the solitary confinement area, Block D, you get a taste of their anger.

Sipho: Sounds about right.
Roger: Yea, they put me there once for retaliating. They put you in this dark room. They only give you maybe 30minutes of light a day. They soundproofed the rooms; you can not communicate with anyone else.
Sipho: Or maybe it's because they only put a few people at a time in rooms far from each other.
Roger: Maybe.
Ncube: Go on.
Roger: Every morning you get a thorough beating. I was lucky they only put me there for 2days.
Ncube: Isn't that abuse of human rights.
Sipho: What rights? We don't have rights in here.

St Georges College

It was home time and Mr Littlewood was there to pick up the team.
John: What happened to your face?
Austin: I don't want to talk about it.
Colin: Dad, let's just go home.

They went home in complete silence.

Mt Pleasant
Littlewood Residence

John: You got to talk to these kids. They aren't giving me anything.
Sarah: Ohk.

Sarah went to them.

Sarah: Guys, what's wrong?
Cherise: Everything.
Austin: I still don't want to talk about it.
Colin: I have no comment mom.
Sarah: How about we do this; you either tell me what's going on during dinner or you will be doing chores everyday for the next 2 weeks.
Austin: Dinner story it is.

Colin and John laugh.

Oxford Dictionary;
[count noun] a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups:
a perfect mother and daughter symbiosis.

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