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St George's College
Salisbury, Rhodesia

Cherise: Hey Maka.
Maka: Hi!
Cherise: Can I talk to you?
Maka: Anyone can but not everyone may.
Cherise: May I talk to you?
Maka: What is it you want to talk about?
Cherise: You are my only girl friend here.
Maka: I'm your friend? (surprised)
Cherise: Yesss!
Maka: Ohkay then.
Cherise: Donovan and Colin both hit on me.
Maka: Colin Littlewood?
Cherise: Yes.
Maka: And you stay with him?
Cherise: Yes, and I don't know what I should do now.
Maka: I can't really tell you what to do.
Cherise: Just tell me what you would do.
Maka: It's just about what you want. And that's if you are sure these guys like you.
Cherise: So I have to find out how they really feel.
Maka: Yes. You use the same baseroom as Donovan and you stay with Colin. You will have to choose the most convenient.
Cherise: Hmmm but Colin's father, ndinourawa chete.
Maka: Hameno.

"Hey you!" An old man appeared out of nowhere. "That language is verboten in this institution. Speak English or any other language we teach here."
"Ok sir!" The girls replied.

Cherise: How do you manage to be so cool in this place?
Maka: Who says I manage?

Many weeks later

The Prison
Lusaka, Zambia

"You have a visitor, Ncube!" A prison guard shouted. "Come with me."

Ncube followed the prison guard to the visiting room.

It was like a high school cafeteria with chairs and tables where the convict and visitor sit across each other.

Chirisiro stepped into the "cleansing area" and was chained. There were chains around his angle and wrists and 1 chain that held the two together.

Ncube: Lance!
Lance: Yes. How are you?
Ncube: Would say I'm okay if i was chained right now.
Lance: So, why did you summon me here?
Ncube: You owe me a favor, remember? Victoria!
Lance: Yes, I remember.
Ncube: I want to call in that favor.
Lance: What do you need?
Ncube: I'm planning on escaping this place.
Lance: I can't say I'm surprised. What do you need from me?
Ncube: On the day I escape you are supposed to be waiting for me. About a kilometre in that direction (pointing) there's a kiosk.
Lance: Yes!
Ncube: Wait for me around that area. Bring nice clothes.
Lance: When is this?
Ncube: I will send a signal. When i send the signal you should be here within 24 hours and wait for me there no matter how long it takes.
Lance: Okay!
Ncube: But don't tell anyone.
Lance: What?
Ncube: Lanceson, don't tell anybody!
Lance: Okay.
Ncube: Have a nice day Lance. That guy over there (pointing at one of the guards) give him some cash.

Ncube stood up and went to the cleansing area where he was probed and unchained.

Ncube: The plan is in motion.
Sipho: You talked to the guy?
Ncube: Yes.
Sipho: So let's go over this plan.

The team was taken back home by Mr Littlewood from school.

The living room
Littlewood Residence
Salisbury, Rhodesia

Austin: Grooming today.
Colin: Yes.
Cherise: Why does he do it?
Austin: My father has a lot of influential friends so he doesn't want to be "embarrassed" in-front of them.
Austin: So he wants to teach us manners?
Colin: Yes.
Cherise: But what have I do to with this? I'm a girl.
Colin: Some of the things are general, unisex.
Cherise: Yes!

"Come and get some food guys!" Sarah calls for the kids.

John: What's smelling nice in here?

John took a fork and cut a piece of the pie and tasted.

John: Hmmm scrumptious.

They kids sat around the dining table waiting to be served.

"Sumptuous!" Austin said with the intention of being humorous.

John: Austin, Colin, 1545 in my office.

"Ok!" They both replied.

Cherise: So, I'm not coming?
John: Not today.
Sarah: You will be with me in the kitchen.
Cherise: Okay.

The boys ate their food.

Austin: This is some good pie Mrs Littlewood.
Sarah: Thank you.


Austin: It's time. Let's go!

John's Office

John: Take your seats gentlemen.

The boys sat.
John: So today we will be discussing about how to handle other gentlemen ; how to greet them and how to talk to them. Firstly, upon their arrival, if the visitors is a man you stand up facing him and give a firm handshake.
Austin: How firm?

The Kitchen

Sarah: I noticed some chemistry between you and my son.
Cherise: Ah!
Sarah: I'm not trying to do anything. You would actually be a good fit for my son.
Cherise: Really.
Sarah: Yes. I would approve if anything was to happen.
Cherise: I'm not confirming anything, but thank you.

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