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St Georges College
Salisbury, Rhodesia

Donovan: Why are you avoiding me?
Cherise: I'm not avoiding you.
Donovan: So, how come we don't talk like we used to?
Cherise: I'm kind of busy these days.
Donovan: Oh, busy.
Cherise: Yea. Plus during the holiday we spent a month not talking so it's not like you can't live without me.
Donovan: It's okay mate! You do you and I do me.

Donovan went back to his place and sat. Makanaka Zembani saw this as an opportunity to strike. A moment of weakness. She went and sat besides Donovan.

Makanaka: Hey.
Donovan: Hallo.
Makanaka: Are you okay?
Donovan: Yes! Why wouldn't I be?
Makanaka: Look at me. You don't look fine.

Donovan looked at the girl.
"I'm okay." He said softly.
They both looked at each other and no words were said for at least 20 seconds. Makanaka leaned forward and directed her lips towards Donovan's who returned the favour. They kissed. No sooner had their lips collided than Cherise budged in the moment and removed Donovan. She pulled him from Makanaka and pulled him towards herself. She kissed him.

"Hey, you kissy face!" A deep voice is heard from the opposite direction. "Boy! Come here!" A tall brown guy in a different uniform stood at the entrance pointing at the trio. Donovan stood up and went to the door.
"Senior!" Donovan showed respect. The senior put his right hand on Donovan's neck and tapped his neck repeatedly while he said,"Boy! We don't do these things in class. Unokuwara mfana {you will get hurt little boy}." "I understand." Donovan replied.
"Go back and behave!" The senior said as we went out. Donovan went and sat.

Cherise: Who was that guy?
Donovan: Fiji. A senior prefect here.
Cherise: His name is Fiji?
Makanaka: He is Caribbean.
Donovan: So are we going to forget what just happened here because I will gladly pretend like nothing ever happened.
Cherise: No! No!
Makanaka: I'm not going to fight over a man. So, bye. We will talk on Monday Donovan Tanaka.


Cherise: Time to go home.

They went out the classrooms and went home.

Littlewood Residence

John dropped off Colin and went to the Ncube residence.

Ncube Residence

Austin: I hear you are misbehaving at school.
Cherise: What! Did Fiji tell you?
Austin: Tell me what?
Cherise: Hapana!
Austin: Tell me what? There's definitely a story here.
Cherise: Look. There's mom.

Aisha came out to see her kids. They hugged.

Aisha: John.
John: Aisha.
Aisha: Come inside and let me get you something to eat.
John: I'm good but i can have a cold beverage.
Aisha: Come in.
They all went in and the kids went to change their clothes and John and Aisha were left alone in the kitchen.

"You look amazing." John said while walking towards Aisha. "Thanks." She replied. "You look okay." She giggled.
They got close together and kissed softly. Their kiss was halted by someone who opened the door on them. "Chiii chirikuitika apa {what's happening here}?"
The man took the car keys from behind the door and left for the car.

"Chirisiro!" Aisha called. "Come back!"
Ncube did not want any explanation so he drove off.

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