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I tried to speak, but no words came out of my mouth of how terrified , shocked and confused I was

It felt as if my soul had left my body , i couldn't comprehend the words that had just came out of his mouth

I started to tear up , remembering all of the poor people who suffered because of this guy

"Y-you monster!"

I yelled with all of the strength I had left inside of me

"Watch your tone"

He said as I could feel the anger in his voice

I couldn't see anything, it was dark , I could barely feel myself under the heavy duvet

The room was ice cold , so much so that I could feel myself catching a cold

"P-please I'll do anything, I-I'll even quit my job okay? Please just let me go"

I tried to speak as my voice cracked

"And I'm supposed to believe that?"

He replied, his voice progressively getting more scary

"Than what.....what do I do...."

I asked , my voice vulnerable and my body helpless out of fear

All of a sudden , I felt a pair of warm hands grip me by both my shoulders

I tried to fight back , but the guy was too strong

The man dragged me out of bed and slammed me against the wall

I could feel my back starting to bleed , so much force had been put on my back , spine and shoulders that my body had become completely unable to move

The pain was unbearable, all I could do was squeal while tears escaped my eyes

Even after almost killing me , he pulled me back and slammed me into the wall again , and again , and again , until I fainted

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