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"Mr. Forbes may I suggest?"

I asked my boss ,

"Go ahead"

He replied, we were in a meeting in Paris , after missing one because of that girl , boss was keeping hostage, for some odd reason, he didn't leave her room until she woke up

After we were done with the meeting , my boss , me and his protocol got in our cars , making our way to our next destination

Mr . Forbes , a very inhumane , heartless, fearless and dangerous man, owned one of the biggest mafias in the country so technically, everything and everyone ran under him,

He came from a bloodline of mafias, not just any bloodline ,but the Wolton bloodline, also knows as the deadliest  bloodline in existence . I could go on and on about their wealth and power they hold over this world, ruthlessly destroying other bloodlines just because they don't like them

Mr Forbes is very young , no one really knows about his , his real name, or his age , but he looked around 17-18 years old, which was a very young age , considering he had the blood of more than about a million people on his hands , he kills people as if they're nothing , at least 5 to 6 people a day .

On the other hand, that girl has really made him irritated , since she came, he's been breaking things and killing more than he usually does , he never was the type of man to have multiple woman in his life, even though he easily could , putting his status and money aside , he was a very attractive and handsome man , not to mention how young he was

We arrived to mr Forbes penthouse, as he left his car and went straight inside, he works about 13 hours a day, and that doesn't include the extra night shifts he takes even though it's not necessary, he doesn't have to work as much as he does , but who is anyone to say that when he was the person who brought his mafia to the rank it is today .

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