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"Right this way mr.Forbes"

A guard said as we entered the most beautiful place I've seen ,

We stood at the entrance , while mr Forbes, which might be his name, went ahead while I followed behind, not wanting to die tonight

A long and broad hallway, dimly lit with candles, lamps and wall torches,  huge paintings covering the dark brown walls , the floor was dark red marble, there was silence , the sound of our footsteps echoing through the halls

I was lost in the beauty of the hallways , but there was something off about it, the moment I entered, I felt a heavy presence, and the paintings, they were normal to the eye, but I stopped looking at them, i couldn't look for some reason, a heavy feeling would coat my abdomen if I did,

I was looking at the floor mostly , which is why I didn't realise that mr Forbes stopped in front of me , I bumped straight into his chest

"O-s-sorry I-"

"This is your last chance , am I clear?"

His voice even heavier than the atmosphere, fear flooding my heart , his presence made me feel minuscule, so heavy, dark , almost like smoke , I couldn't look up at him, he was too much to bear even when I think about looking at him, his broad shoulders, sharp features, reddish brown lips, and dark eyes, I didn't know exactly what colour they were, but they were dark, like a black hole , i felt like if I looked into his eyes, he'd do something inside me, hurt my soul in ways he could never hurt me physically, im glad I'm not the only one who shared this opinion

"If you act out,"

He whispered, his voice echoing slightly , he pulls out a gun , and my heart stops

"I won't hesitate using this, right then and there"

He says, as he presses the gun into my stomach , making me go against the wall

I hiss lightly , swallowing the pain and tears

I could feel his breath against my cheek , his nose slightly brushed against mine

He removed the gun from me , and I let out a breath of relief, not realising I was breathing in his neck , he was so close to me, towering above me as he put his gun back

He looked back at me , still against the wall, and slid his arm on my back pulling me off the wall as my body lifted off the ground for a second, shivers ran up my spine when I realised he could lift me up with just one of his arms

We started walking again , and this time, I kept my act together,

The endless hallways weren't endless after all

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