Wake up

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Suddenly he pulled his face out my neck , and looked at me , his lips inches away from mine

"What....the fuck did you do to me"

He said, letting go , well it was more like throwing me off

"Fuck off"

He said , getting up and leaving me in shock,

What just happened.....I thought as he left slamming the door behind him,

My heart raced as I thought about what happened, still feeling his arms on my body, as if he had paint on them and I could feel the paint on my skin ,

I got up , and made my way to the bathroom , tears still escaping my eyes as I clean the blood and cuts off my body, there were too many , but my body didn't have any strength left to shower , so washed off as much as I could and walked to bed , falling asleep as soon as I laid down .


I woke up the next morning, in more pain than I was in last night

I needed a doctor, as soon as possible

I laid in bed for about 2 hours , before I finally built up enough strength to get up

I walked towards the door, in excruciating pain, as I reached for the door handle not hoping it would be open, but it was , so I opened it , and as soon as I stepped out, I felt a shark pain in my ankle , and fell to the ground

The device he put on me had shocked me , and since my whole body was outside my room now , it wouldn't stop

I screamed and screamed out of pain , god why don't I just die , it would be way better than this

I thought to myself as I kept screaming , hoping someone would help me but my voice just echoed back to me

As my eyes were closing , I heard footsteps coming towards me

I saw 3 pairs of shoes , 2 standing behind 1 pair

As that first bent down , I realised who it was , we meet yet again

He removed the torture device, as breathed heavily, then started to cry

"I-I'm s-sorry, I-it hurt a-a lot s-so I-"

I tried speaking but I was scooped up into his arms

My vision was blurry , my body was swollen and bruised , my ankle was not functioning, and my mental health was deteriorating

All I felt was the warmth of his body , and his arms holding my body

He carried me back to my room and threw me on the bed so violently all I could do was cry

But I didn't have a choice

As he was leaving I grabbed his hand

He stopped and looked back his eyebrows arched, his pupils dilated , making them appear deep and dark, and his curls in his face , with a button up shirt and work pants on

"P-please.....I-I'm begging you.....I-I know y-you hate m-me f-for what I-I did last night b-but I swear I-I only came out b-because I-I was in a lot o-of pain....."

I said , sobbing , desperate and scared

After a few minutes of silence, I felt the bed sink as he sat beside me

"Where does it hurt?"

He asked, in an annoyed and aggressive tone, his voice so deep it felt like he'd take out his gun and shoot me right then and there

I looked at him, my body trembling and shaking

"E-everywhere....I-I'm sorry...."

I replied, feeling sorry for myself, and helpless, I had to beg this man to not let me die , and I couldn't have felt more desperate

"Call Dr. Louis"

I heard him say to one of the other two men

I don't know why but I felt like a blanket of nails was shifted off my body,

"T-thank you"

I whispered as I slowly laid down, closing my eyes and falling asleep, forgetting that the man was still sitting besides me on my bed

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