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Mr Forbes had waken up late today

Me, and his guards had been waiting for about 30 minutes in front of his building before he arrived, which is very strange, considering the fact that he's the most punctual and organised man in his family, he'd be early sometimes, but never late

I watched as Matt black cars pulled up, means he was here

he got out of his car, his hair messy, dark circles swallowing his eyes and the first 2 buttons of his two piece undone ,

another surprise, since his hair , besides being curly , always look proper and done , his clothes, never could spot a micro-wrinkle on it, and he takes cold showers in the morning, inhumane I know , since he wakes up at 4 am sharp, but because of it he never has any dark circles , I didn't even recognise him this time

What happened to him

I thought while I blankly stared at him dumbfounded until I realised I was supposed to inform him about his schedule

I snapped out of my disbelief and walked up behind him almost dropping all the documents , I had in my hand as I made sure I don't walk besides or in front of him, one thing he absolutely hates,

When someone walks besides him , or in front of him

"Good morning Mr Forbes , you have a meeting in-"

"Not now Griffin"

He said, his tone low and raspy, deeper than it usually is , which indicated his tiredness and irritation

I was caught off guard , first , by him calling me griffin, second was him saying he was......tired?

Who is this man?

He walked into his building, and I followed behind

We entered into the vicinity, many of his workers scattered around as they saw him enter, there was a main hall , and uncountable floors, all of which had indoor balconies in the middle left for the sunlight to shine through the sunroof directly on top of the building

I thought he would be too tired to give us a hard time like he does everyday

Little did I know about the storm he unleashed on the whole building today

He Killed 15 men , 3 were our own who were smuggling information to other people.

He kept all his employees and guards on their toes , and he said he was tired

He spoke aggressively, was offended by quite literally everyone and everything , might I add the 5 coffee mugs he smashed , 2 against the wall, 1 on me , and 2 of them were thrown down from the 5th floor for god knows what reason since I was down at the first floor and missed them by an inch

Finally , the day had ended, not his though , concerning but I had gotten used to it

"Turn left"

He spoke as we sat in his car, driving up the mountain to reach his house

"But sir, that's a longer route-"

"Turn . Left"

This time, he spoke sternly, and I knew it was best for me to shut up

I took a left , wondering why he asked me to take a route that would make us reach a whole hour late

He's usually very strict with his time , but finally , after driving for what felt like forever, we reached the gate to the mansion

I noticed Mr Forbes body language was frequently changing during the whole day, the whole ride , he had been doing something on his laptop with his muscles tense and typing fast, that was normal , what wasn't normal were his fists clenching the moment the large black steel doors of the house had opened and I drove the car in

He looked like he was in desperate need of a muscle relaxant and a punching bag, and I definitely didn't want that to be me so I parked quickly and both of us got out the car

He started walking inside , putting his laptop in his laptop bag and checking the time as he opened the door

"There's my boy! Come give your old man a hug"

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