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3:47 am , and I'm still not asleep , laying in my bed as I stare at the ceiling, thinking about what my life even is

I really tried to brush off the fact that I was missing for 3 whole days , trying to control my brain of how horrible things it was thinking had happened to me

Had been taking sleeping pills , anti depressants and so many other medications without even knowing what I'm consuming

I know it seems as if I'm exaggerating, but that event had completed taken a toll on me, even after I had taken sleeping pills i couldn't sleep , even if I tried not to think about it , I just couldn't sleep at all , i couldn't no matter what I would do , I think it was my brain responding to the trauma , thinking it has to stay awake or else something like that would happened again

I knew there was no point in trying anymore, so I got out of bed , threw on a zip up hoodie , put on my headphones and left my apartment to get some fresh air

I didn't know where I was going , the area I lived in was pretty safe so I didn't worry about that ,  I just kept walking in the dimly lit alleys and streets, I was as good as drunk at that point ,

As I kept walking, I suddenly tripped over absolutely nothing, not realising I had heard a gunshot go off until after a few seconds

I picked myself back up , holding on to the pole of a street light, realising I had hit my head and it was bleeding

There was barely any light , I could barely see the pole of the street light, but I closed my eyes seeing bright lights coming from one direction

As I squinted my eyes open , I saw 5-6 huge black cars , all coming to a stop somewhere as armed men hopped out

I hid behind the thick pole which was enough to hide my body , and still couldn't process anything as I saw a bunch of more armed men coming from the opposite direction heading towards the cars

All of them were wearing these hats , full black suits and we're loaded with weapons, all except one guy, who was in the middle of all of them , wearing a grey tuxedo, which had black spot- i don't think they're spots

I thought to myself as light hit his clothes , it was blood

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