'enemies' pt3 (Tom Kaulitz)

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*Toms pov*

I woke up and noticed Y/N was cuddled into the crook of my neck, I couldnt help but smile down at her. Shes so naturally pretty and she looks so peaceful when she sleeps, I ran my fingers through her soft hair as i watched her eyes slowly flutter open. After a few seconds she looked up at me with a drowsy face, she gave me a small smile before sitting up. I sat up as well and scanned her face as she rubbed her eyes with a small pout, God why is she so cute? Even when shes just woken up! I snapped out of my thoughts when she got up and stretched her arms out, I then realised she had slept in my hoodie which gave me butterflies. I smile at the way my hoodie looks on her for a while before my face drops.

Wait why am i smiling at her? Why do i keep thinking about how cute and pretty she is, What the hell? Shes my enemy, we literally hate eachother.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door, Y/N rushed to the door and opened it as i flopped back down into bed.

"N/N! Im so glad your awake, Georg and Gustav are still sleeping and i couldnt find Tom in his room"
I heard bills voice and i immediately shot up in her bed, Bill noticed me and his eyes widened as he looked at Y/N then back at me.

"Oh so this is where he was hiding huh?" Bill chuckles as he raises an eyebrow at me and Y/N, I roll my eyes at him.

"Shut up Bill, Something happened yesterday and i ended up falling asleep here." I scoff out in annoyance as i try to throw a pillow at bill but fail miserably,

"Whatever, And nice hoodie by the way N/N. Tom has the exact same one" He continued to say teasingly as he stared at me with a small smirk, I glared back at him angrily.

"Honestly piss off, Just cause shes wearing my hoodie doesnt mean shit"
I mumble loudly at bill through gritted teeth. I hate that hes teasing me about this, Saying all this stuff as if i like Y/N.
I dont like her at all, I hate her..Right?

*End of toms pov*

Honestly after hearing Tom's words i felt a little sad, I thought he was actually starting to stop hating me but i guess i was wrong. God why does he have to be such an asshole to me, Ive done nothing wrong. I decided to just shrug it off and get changed to meet Evan and Zion at the lobby as we decided to go out shopping, Bailey didnt want to come which we said was fine.

I got changed into a denim low rise mini skirt and a tube top that cropped just above my belly button, I put a jacket on overtop and paired it with some boots. I did light and simple makeup and left my hair down, I basically drenched myself in perfume before checking myself out one last time. I then rushed out of the bathroom but stopped as i noticed Tom wasnt in the hotel room anymore and neither was his stuff, I didnt know if i really cared or not but i just forced myself into thinking i didnt.
I walked out of my hotel and was walking past all the rooms when i stopped just infront of bills as i heard people talking in there, I didnt really mean to eavesdrop but they were just talking so loud and i had gotten a little curious. I put my ear against the door so i could hear the voices better, It was Bill and Tom talking.

"Seriously tom, Do you like her?" I heard bill say in a kind of annoyed tone,

"Bill I already told you, I hate her. She means nothing to me, I was only nice to her because of what happened before then" Tom says in a low groan, As soon as i heard him say that i felt tears in my eyes. I know we were enemies and all but his words actually hurt me, He told me he was staying with me because he didnt want me to be alone after what happened but really he just felt bad for me because of what happened that day?

"Tom, dont hurt her please. I dont want to loose her, shes a good person" Bill huffed out, I smiled to myself from bills words. He was way sweeter than Tom, Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I froze for a few seconds as the footsteps got closer, I watched the door knob begin turning and i began to run. As i tried to run away i slightly tripped over my own feet and slowed down immediately,


I heard a familiar voice call out from behind me, I sighed heavily and slowly turned sround on the heel of my foot and was met with Tom. He scanned me up and down with a small smirk,

"You look good" he mumbled loudly and i just rolled my eyes at him before turning back around and rushing down stairs to the lobby. I saw Evan and Zion and ran over to them jumping into Ethans arms,

"I know we saw each other yesterday at the pool but i still missed you guys" I huffed out as i pulled away from Evans arms.


We were at the mall all day and finally arrived back at the hotel at 5 pm, I got a text from bill saying that everyones meeting in his hotel room. I told Evan and Zion and they agreed, Zion said he would meet us there later though. I was confused but shrugged it off as me and Evan made our way to bills hotel room, I shoved the door open and yelled loudly announcing my entrance.

About 20 minutes passed and everyone was already there, Talking about everything when someone knocked on the door. I watched as Georg opened the door and revealed Zion, I smiled widely until i saw a girl with him. His arm was wrapped around her waist as they walked in, She was very tall with tan skin and short black hair, She had deep brown eyes and small freckles on her nose. I felt my heart sink as i watched them walk in together.
What the fuck? Honestly i was pretty sad, Ive had a crush on him for awhile and it did hurt seeing him with some girl but honestly i was more upset about the fact that he didnt tell me. I mean we're best friends and we tell eachother everything so why wouldnt he tell me this?

Another 10 minutes passed since Zion and his 'girlfriend' arrived, I found out her name was Maria and that her and Zion were just taking it slow. I still felt pretty upset about this but i pretended i wasnt, I mean sure..i wished that i was the one with Zion but even so i was still happy for him.
As the night went on I startee getting uncomfortable, Maria kept giving me dirty looks i just tried to ignore but i couldnt. It was bothering me to much so i decided to try and calm down,

"Hey, im just gonna go out to the balcony for a breather" I mumbled to bill with a small weak smile,

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked me and i shook my head,
didn't feel like being around anybody.
I got up without saying a word to anybody but taking a quick glare at Maria who had an evil smirk plastered across her face, I rolled my eyes as i left the room and slammed the door behind me. I felt my eyes begin to water as i hurriedly rushed to the balcony, Once i finally reached the balcony i huff out as i immediately sit down at the edge with my feet dangling off.

"Y/N.." A voice from behind me said causing me to jump, I turned my head and saw Tom. Great. I watched as he sat next to me and looked up at the sky,

"I know you heard what i said to bill earlier today.." he blurted out which made me widen my eyes, I just looked at him in disbelief as i thought he didnt know.

"I just want you to know that i didnt mean it..Y/N to be completely honest, I dont hate you. Not even a little bit, Not even at all. I just pretend i do because...because.." He pauses as he rubs the back of his neck, I have a confused look plastered on my face.

"Because..?" I say as i wait for him to continue,

"Because you, you make me feel..happy. And whenever im near you i get this warm feeling like butterflies? Or whatever... I just, I dont know..I feel like a better version of myself around you. I tried to tell Bill that and he said that means i..like you.." he pauses once more and my eyes widen,

"But i dont think ive ever liked anybody before and i dont know what to do because I'm supposed to hate you but i dont. And i know you definitely hate me cause im always such a dick to you but honestly i dont mean to hurt you in any way or anythi-" He ranted nervously before i cut him off by smashing my lips onto his, I dont know why i did it but it felt right. He kissed me back as he cupped my cheek gently, I melted into his touch.

We finally broke away from the kiss and he smiled at me gently before turning to look back at the sky, I rested my head on his shoulder as i also stared into the sky. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and i couldnt help but think,

Were we ever really enemies or did we just tell ourselves we were to try deny our feelings for eachother? I didnt really care anymore about us being 'enemies' though because in this moment right now i felt like it was only me and tom. I felt safe in his arms. I knew at this exact moment,

That i had fallen inlove with Tom Kaulitz, My 'enemy'.

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