'Because of you' pt2 - Tom Kaulitz

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- SH

This story is a special request so Y/N in this story will be referred to as Laynie

I couldnt stop replaying that memory in my mind, the way his lips brushed against my ear and the way his voice sounded. I didnt know why i was so stuck on it but i just couldnt stop thinking about it, about how his warmth felt against my body. Truthfully, i would be lying if i said i didnt enjoy it. One thing continued to run through my mind though...

- "What you do is my business, Laynie." -

How could he say that when we both know he couldnt care less about what i do..unless, hes pretending? But no way he would pretend to not care, hes been bullying me for so long it just seems unnatural for him to be nice to me for even a second.


I wake up, starting my day like every other as i get up and instantly go to my vanity. God i was a mess, My mascara from yesterday smudged, my hair messy and bags under my eyes. I let out a sigh, trying to decide whether to take a shower to relieve this mess or not. I shrug and get up, thinking a shower would be relaxing and easier.

The water dripping onto my scars hurt as some of them weren't entirely healed just yet. I hissed in pain but it slowly began to feel nice, causing me to take a deep breath and relax, focusing on the hot water pouring down onto my body. It felt so nice and refreshing, like something I had desperately needed without knowing it.

Finally, after 20 minutes, i got out. I instantly head to my closet the second i had gotten dried off and decided to wear some jeans and a sweater today because it was kinda cold out. So i rummage through my closet before finally pulling out my bootcut jeans and a black off the shoulder sweater. I paired it with some converses and left it at that since i had nobody to impress anyways. I check the time, realising that if i wasn't finished getting ready in under 10 minutes than id be late. I groaned and quickly brushed my hair, leaving it down and spraying perfume before grabbing my bag and rushing outside.

I take the bus to school and unfortunately so did tom though i had learnt how to stay away from him. Once the bus arrives i go sit down at the back, away from everyone else as i plug in my earphones and listen to music as i had nothing better to do. I got about 6 minutes of peace before tom found me, smirking as he took the seat next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Whats up Laynie, Missed me?"
He snickered in a teasing tone as he watched me roll my eyes. Oh how i hated him..i hate his stupid smirk and his annoying laugh, i hated his ugly dreads and his deep brown eyes...i hated how i oddly couldnt look away, how i was pulled to him in a way. But most of all i hated how i could never truly hate him because a part of me will always admire his annoyingly good looks, but i would never let him figure that out.

"Hands off, Kaulitz. I dont want your b.o sticking with me all day."
I scoffed, pushing him further away from me.


I pretend to be offended, letting out a dramatic gasp and placing a hand on my heart.

"That hurt, your so mean to me."
I whined with a fake pout, watching as her face screws up in annoyance and disgust. Honestly i didnt like when she looked at me like that, the hatred in her eyes which burns straight through me. I felt nervous around her which was odd because i had never really liked her, but then on a random day last year i started craving her attention and found that the only way i could get her to look at me was if i was rude to her. Maybe i go to far sometimes but i cant help myself, plus a few harmless pranks and slightly mean words wont hurt her. And trust me, i dont like her. Infact, i hate her, so im not sure why i feel so needy for her to notice me.


I was sat on a bench outside, waiting for my pe teacher to put me back in the game when my eyes drifted over to Laynie. I notice she was wearing her pe uniform but with a long sleeve shirt underneath the t-shirt? I wonder how or why she would even wear a long sleeve shirt in this heat but eventually my curiosity gets the better of me and i began to make my way over to her.

"Hey Laynie..whats up with the long sleeved shirt?"
I asked, raising a brow as i take a seat next to her. I watch her face screw up in discomfort and confusion for a slight second before letting out a small sigh and slightly shifting away from me.

"None of your business, Tom."
She huffed, her tone defensive and annoyed by my question. I roll my eyes and moved closer, knowing there was a reason behind the long sleeved shirt and i would find out eventually.

"Come on, Arent you getting hot with that thing on?"
I ask, tilting my head a little as i examine her reaction. I watch as she hesitates for a second before answering.

"Just leave it alone, tom. Like i said, its none of your business so just..just forget about it."
She scoffed, shifting her sleeves down more as she was clearly uncomfortable by my questions. I got more curious upon seeing her reaction and i couldn't help myself anymore. As soon as she was about to get up i gripped onto her arm, causing her to instantly wince. I was a little shocked and even more confused so i pulled up her sleeve just to see her scars, some fresh and most old. My heart sinks and i can feel my eyes watering..how could she do this to herself..?

I look up at her in shock but my expression instantly softens at the look of horror on her face. She looks mortified, scared and ashamed.

I whispered as i stood up, pulling her up with me. She goes to say something but nothing escapes her lips, only small and shaky pants.

She whimpered, her breath ragged and speeding up as she began to panic. Before she could say anything else i hugged her tightly, my arms wrapped tightly around waist.

- Y/NS POV -

I trembled in his arms, shocked that he reacted this way. I thought for sure that he was gonna be disgusted with me for my scars but instead he looked sympathetic for me, as if he felt bad for my pain.

The warmth of his embrace surrounded me and i instantly melted into his hug, letting my feelings overtake me. I sobbed into his shoulder, clinging to him for any comfort i could get. I felt his hands tangle into my hair, his lips pressing against my head.

"Its okay Laynie...you'll be okay. I-Im....im here for you if you'll let me..."
Tom whispered softly. At first i enjoyed his comfort, but the fact that he saw my scars was making me feel nervous. His words made me feel guilty or ashamed some how, maybe because he was the reason i did this or maybe i just felt scared that he found out i was hurting and this was how i relieved in.

My mind felt as if it had shut down, my vision a little blurry and my breathing pace speeding up once more. I couldn't handle this overwhelming feeling, as if i was suffocating, anymore so i pulled away from his arms. I stepped back, panting heavily while i slowly walked backwards, away from him as i spoke, my voice trembling as i rushed away from him and this entire moment..

"I...I need to leave..i cant be here anymore,  or...at least not with you."

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