'Phone call' (Tom Kaulitz)

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Me and Tom have been dating for a few months and this is the first time they've gone on an actual tour since we got together, Tom asked me to come but i had to say no because i have to look after my little brother, whos only 5, while my parents are out of town. He was sad that i couldn't come but he understood, he texted me whenever he could and most mornings he would call.

I was laying on my stomach in bed, watching TV, when my phone began to ring. I was confused because it was pretty late and i didnt know who would call me at this time, I checked who was calling me and saw that it was Tom, I was even more confused now because he usually calls in the morning because hes always to tired at night. I answer his call as i slowly rose up onto my knees instead of my stomach now,

"Hey babe" I say into the phone as i turn the tv down, still watching it though.

"Baby.." He says in a low voice,

"Yeah?...Is something going on?" I asked as i finally turned the tv off, I hear a small sniffle come from my phone and i get a little worried. He doesnt answer me which makes me a bit more worried,

"Tom, Whats going on?" I ask again as i get off my knees now and cross my legs,

"Nothings going on baby, I just miss you..a lot" He says into the phone with a tired voice, My worries immediately go away as he says that.

"I miss you to babe..Is this why you called me so late? Cause you missed me?" I ask as i smile to myself,

"Mhm, Ive been missing you all day.." He admits which makes me chuckle to myself a little bit,

"Cute.." I muttered before pausing for a second,

"Ive been missing you all day aswell, But why didnt you just text instead of calling? Im sure you're exhausted right now" I continue and i can hear a low and quiet yawn come from the phone,

"Nooo, Im not tired" He says followed by a small chuckle,

"Mhmm, sure your not" I say as i laugh and roll my eyes jokingly even though i know he cant see me,

"Okay okay, I am tired" He huffs out in a light chuckle,

"But i needed to hear your sweet voice aswell...And i wouldn't hear it over text.." He pauses after saying that,

"Its been so hard to sleep without you, gorgeous." He whispers into the phone which makes me blush, I smile to myself.

"Well you'll be back from tour tomorrow so if you can last tonight-" I began to say before i heard a knock on my bedroom door, I get off my bed, leaving my phone there and go to open my door to see my little brother. Hes rubbing his eyes and sniffling,

"N/N?" He mumbled quietly,

"Hey buddy, What are you doing up so late?" I ask with a soft voice as i squat down and gently brush his hair away from his face with my fingers,

"I cant sleep.." He says quietly with a small pout, I open my arms to him and he immediately runs into my arms. I picked him up and carried him back to my bed, I picked up my phone again,

"Tom im so sorry for leaving the phone, Y/B/N cant sleep" i explain to him with an apologetic tone, I can hear a quiet, low chuckle come from the phone.

"Its okay love" He said, followed by a small yawn. As soon as Tom said that i felt Y/B/N's head lift from my shoulder,

"Are you talking to Tom?" He asks with a small smile which makes my heart melt, Y/B/N had always been attached to Tom since the first time i brought Tom home. Their bond was so cute, Y/B/N was always excited to see or talk to Tom and Tom was the same, He loved talking to my brother.

"Yeah, do you wanna say hi?" I asked with a wide smile as i give my phone to Y/B/N, He takes the phone and smiles widely.

"Hi Tom!!" He says happily into the phone,

"Hey buddy!" Tom replies, still in a tired but excited tone,

"Are you coming home soon?" Y/B/N asks tom, It was so cute because Tom was at my house so often that Y/B/N started calling it Toms home as well,

"Yes, I'll be home tomorrow! I cant wait to see you again buddy, We can have a sleepover!" Tom exclaimed happily and quietly which made Y/B/N's eyes light up,

"Yay! I cant wait, Sleepover!!!" Y/B/N said excitedly which made me smile to myself, Tom was so good with kids it was honestly so adorable!

"I cant wait either buddy, But how about you go to sleep now okay? Its late and you dont wanna be so tired tomorrow that you fall asleep while we hangout!" Tom says, trying to get Y/B/N to go to sleep,

"Okay!! Goodnight Tom" Y/B/N says happily into the phone before passing it back to me,

"Goodnight Y/N, I love you sissy" Y/B/N says as he hugs me tightly and lays his head on my shoulder, I giggle as he does that and kiss his forehead.

"Goodnight Y/B/N, i love you to buddy" I whispered with a small smile, I begin humming a lullaby to try help Y/B/N fall asleep and eventually it works. About 2 minutes after i see that Y/B/N is definitely asleep i stop humming the song,

"You would make a good mom" Tom says through the phone, I smile to myself.

"You think?" I ask as i glance down at

"I know you would." Tom replies, followed by a small yawn.

"Mm, Well you would make a great dad you know.." I say with a small giggle as i look down at Y/B/N, Gently stroking his hair away from his face.

"Yeah? I cant wait for us to become parents my love" He mumbles softly, I blush hard and smile to myself.

"Yeah.." I pause for a second as i let out a small yawn,

"Goodnight Tom..I love you" I say into the phone as i place it down right next to me so i can rub my eyes. I then i hear Tom say from the phone, in a tired mumble,

"Goodnight pretty, I love you too...So, so much"

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