'Freaky friday' - Bill Kaulitz

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                             BILL'S  POV

I slowly rolled onto my back, my eyes fluttering open and a yawn escaping my lips. I slowly sit up and begin to rub my eyes, but then i fully take in my surroundings and i realise i wasnt in my room. I couldnt help but think i was still dreaming because how could i have ended up in a random room?

As i look around the room i take notice of the interior design, how the walls are decorated with a few posters and a tapestry, shelves with vinyl records and i think fake plants, random books ive never even heard of before were piled onto the shelves looking unorganised and messy. I look to the other side of the room and notice a desk with a few textbooks and random school work books scattered across of it, a record player near the edge of it and a few more random things. There was a pretty big mirror, some fairy lights and a fluffy rug along with some other things that filled the room.

Assuming this was a dream, i got up and went to the mirror, obviously thinking that I'd see my own reflection in there but as i stood infront of the mirror i was left completely shocked and confused.

I looked exactly like Y/N L/N, my enemy.

"What the fuck..?"
I whispered to myself yet quickly covered my mouth as i realised i sounded just like Y/N aswell. Out of instinct i began to rub my eyes again, rub and pinch my arms, i even went as far as slapping myself a couple times to see if i would wake up but i didnt. Then it hit me,

the book.

This was all the books fault! The other day i saw the book discarded on the floor, left open and a little dirty. I got chills as soon as i went near that worn out old book, like ice had been poured down my shirt and pants. Though despite the uneasy feeling, i went to pick it up anyways but Y/N went to pick it up as well at the exact same time. As we both touched the book i swear i felt my body freeze and go entirely still and numb for a second, and as soon as it felt like i was back in my body i took a closer look at the book and thats when i recognised it. I had heard a silly myth about a book that makes you swap bodies with anybody that touches it at the same time you do and the only way to change back was an act of selflessness for the other person, and unfortunately for me the book from that myth is the exact same book that me and Y/N had grabbed the other day.

After realising what was going on and why, it took me atleast 20 minutes, maybe even 30 to calm down..and that's when it finally sunk in...
Im in Y/Ns body, i can do whatever i want and anybody that sees will think its really Y/N!

"Wait, wait, wait....im in her body."
I muttered to myself with a sly smirk. Now, dont get me wrong, i dont like Y/N. At all. Infact, i hate her just as much as she hates me, but i cant deny the fact that ive thought about her from time to time...about her body, how it would feel and look under her clothes. I know its bad but as much as i hate her, i crave her too. So without another thought i let my hands fly to my breasts, or should i say Y/Ns breasts. I instantly gasped at this feeling of her chest, so perfect and soft. My hands then run down my torso to my hips then stopping over my thighs, rubbing them up and down and occasionally moving my hands to ny ass. Oh how i had always craved to touch her body, run my hands all over her ass, hips, wasit, thighs and chest. But finally i stopped when i realised something.

If i was in Y/Ns body..did that mean she was in mine?


What the fuck is going on?! Why do i look and sound like bill and why was i in what i assume is his room?! Im confused, am i in his body or is this some kind of sick and twisted dream? or should i say nightmare. Suddenly a phone ringing sound echoes through the room, coming from over my- i mean..bills nightstand. I go over and see his phone, then i realise that my number was calling him. I instantly answer the phone, seeking for answers about this whole situation.

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