One Hell of a boss (I'm not sorry)

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Good evening everyone welcome back to the story, last chapter Y/n struggled to find himself a job with terrible things happened at every turn until an Imp by the name of Blitzo gave him a spot in his company I.M.P. now let's continue from where we last left off.


Weeks have past and Y/n and his clone along with his new co-workers sat in the I.M.P. conference room.

Blitzo: Alright now I know business has been...A bit slow lately and it's no one's fault okay I'm not naming any name's here...Moxxie. Now does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can get business drumming up again?

Millie: What about a car wash!?

Blitzo: This is hell millie no one cares about cars being clean here ok!

Y/n 2: I got an idea we put tits on our slogan and logos it doesn't matter what the context of the promotion is just big tits, Huge tits! Bigger tits, bigger views!

Moxxie: That's not an idea.

Y/n 2: What are you talking about I just said it's an idea?

Bltzo: Ok anyone else?

Y/n: What about one of those unboxing videos! But instead of unboxing products, we go to the cemetery and we unbox coffins and take out all the dead bodies!

Blitzo: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Y/n 2: Dead tits, dead tits in our logos!

Blitzo: Ok Y/n could you please get rid of the clone it's hard enough trying to keep track of one of you.

Y/n: Fine.


Blitzo: Hmm oh what about a billboard?

Moxxie: We can't afford a billboard sir.

Blitzo: Helpful Moxxie really glad you're in the room right now, have you guys forgotten what service we provide?

He presses a button on the TV remote turning it on a video showcasing each brutal kill the crew provided.

Blitzo: Ah those where the good times.

Moxxie: I don't need any reminding sir considering you blew most of our salaries on a obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then additional paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel nobody watches.

Blitzo: Hey excuse me what's obnoxious about a super-fun jingle alright it's a fun distraction when an advertisement is spittin bullshit.

Y/n: kinda like a musical.

Millie: People love musicals sir!

Blitzo: Exactly we're basically doing a musical! Your gonna crush my musical dreams like my dad did?

Moxxie: Sir,

Blitzo: Because right now all I hear is just my dads asshole talking to me crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside.

Millie: Are you trying to crush his dreams Moxxie?

Moxxie: I-what?

Millie: I thought I knew you.

Y/n: You absolute monster just like...Dinkleburg!

Blitzo: I can't believe you Moxxie after I made you employee of the month!

Moxxie: Ok sir, I'm sorry a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theater nobody actually likes the jingles

Millie: I liked it.

What the HELL!?(Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now