Chapter 21 | GO BACK TO FRANCE

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Her devious mind ran like a late train

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Her devious mind ran like a late train.

Massive claws racked through curtains- tearing them like paper and leaving the torn fabric against the windows.

Gnarly teeth dug into furniture- tearing them to bits and flinging them across the room. Pots shattered against the walls. The massive white wolf's hunched back brushed against the ceiling- shadowing the room with her presence.

Fur ruffled- skin tearing and bones snapping as the massive form would crunch together. 

Riot rose from her knees. She'd steal the spray left on the floor- shaking it up and down. Scanning the room- she'd see the wall behind the couch. 

Tearing off the paintings, she'd write in English. 


Suddenly- her face felt damp. She raised a hand and felt her cheeks- salty tears had run down them and dribbled off her jaw. A deep frown tugged the edges of her lips down. It had been so long since she got to hold her sister- and here she was- telling her to get further away.
Riot was desperate. She didn't want her sister to be hurt by this world- not by the werewolf. Sometimes, she thinks of it as a curse. But she felt Artio's pain when she thought that- she felt her drooping head.

The woman tore and ripped more objects in a blind rage. They were simply blurs in her vision. She held her head- stopping before a specific painting.

A painting of France. Her heart clenched, and she had to walk away. Riot didn't destroy the paintings of Home.

Her heavy feet made the floorboards creak with every step- bones cracking and skin ripping. She'd arrive at the second floor in wolf form- white fur brushing against the walls due to her gigantic size. 

She left the upstairs alone- knowing River could return home any moment. Using her snout- she'd lift open the window and squeeze through it.

Halfway through- she'd have to transform into a human. There was no way her wolf could fit through that blasted hole. Tufts of fur were left behind; she didn't notice.

Sliding down the sloped roof, she'd easily land on the forest floor with not a single scratch. She'd shift one last time.

Most werewolves couldn't shift so many times at once- but she could. It made Riot feel powerful.

Now, all she had to do was wait.

This was not how things were meant to turn out!

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This was not how things were meant to turn out!

Her paws slammed into the earth- underbrush ruffling with the wind as she sprinted past. 

The crisp, biting wind made her pelt dance. Stout ears were pinned back, furrowed brows, and scrunched face, showing her irritation and worry. 

Through the forest, Riot followed River's car.

"Not going how you expected?" A sneering voice cruelly teased her.

Riot's muzzle scrunched up. Artio was getting really snarky lately; it was definitely pissing her off.

She had no idea where her sister was driving to. When River got home- she packed her things up and left as soon as she came. Honestly, Riot couldn't help but hold some pride for her initiative. Some people would've stayed and cleaned things up.
Her brows furrowed- and she had to stop when a massive fence was approaching. She'd shuffle through the brush until she could see where River's car stopped. The massive electric gate would beep before slowly sliding open.

Scanning the wall- she saw a gold plate attached to a stone pillar.

Dieu's Residence.

"Isn't that Lucifer's last name?" Artio would ask.

Riot could only think up swears- her lip curling up to show her dissatisfaction. She should've known River would go here!

Her wolf huffed, "Shocker." She'd say, "Who would've guessed she'd flee to her mate."

Shut the fuck up! This damned wolf was driving her nuts.

"This is what happens when you try to go forward with plans by yourself." Artio gibed.

Riot had nothing to say to her. Clenching her paws- she'd only fling her muzzle back and sprint away from the property wall. 

Regardless of her lacking a scent- she couldn't pretend she was a giant fucking white dot. It'd be bad to sneak around a property she isn't familiar with- especially the Beta's. It's probably crawling with pack members.

Screw this werewolf shit!

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