Chapter 24 | Give Me My Sister Back

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She took a shaky breath.

"That's my story."

The smaller, plump woman curled in her arms looked up at her with a puckered bottom lip and watery eyes. With the moon shining upon her features- River looked as beautiful as a lily. She felt pride knowing... it was her sister.

"Oh," Tears fell down her cheeks, cascading and dripping off her jaw. "Athena."

Riot struggled to control her breathing- which came out in trembles as her sister leaned forward and dug her nose into the dip of her collar bone. 

Her arms tightened around her younger sister in her lap. "It's sadder than a book." River whimpered through tears.

She coddled and gently rocked her sister as the two shared painful tears.

"Athena.." She muttered. It didn't matter to Riot if she called her by her old name; it brought back memories and made her feel... fond. 

"I don't care about what happened anymore," River whined, raising her head back to look at her in the eyes. "I don't care about what you may think you've done wrong to me," Her ocean-blue eyes shone with emotion, "I don't care about how I used to feel. All I know is..."

Riot's breath hitched.

Tears flowed quicker, "I just want my sister back."

Her walls, already hanging on by a thread, broke like an exploding dam. Tears and wails left her like a crying baby- River pressing her head into her shoulder to comfort her. "River..." She wailed, "I missed you so much."
River soothingly shushed her, running her fingers through her hair. "I know." She whispered, "I missed you too, Grande sœur." Those two words in French made her cry out more- remembering how often River called her that.
[Big sister.]

"You're Not a Tyrant." River murmured, "You never were."

That sentence broke her heart as much as it mended it.

Anyone could tell her that, but those words coming from her sister meant everything. The little girl she protected, the little girl she played with and walked hand-in-hand to school every morning.

That little girl told her she wasn't a bad person.

"You..." She whimpered, "You forgive me?"

The woman nodded and kissed the side of her head, "I forgave you years ago."

"Cronus will, too."

River was the force she needed to tell her that... he may. Artio had spoken it for years, urging her and reasoning with her, but her long-lost sister had words more powerful than the Moon Goddess herself.

After a long while of resting on the cold grass, the two women cleared their tears and stood up. Riot held her hands, "Thank you." She whispered.

The she-wolf smiled, "Always."

Just as they finished making up, joining their lives together one more after 11 years of separation, the ruffling of bushes nearby made Riot blanch in surprise.

A large black wolf lept out from the bushes. Yellow eyes bore into the two.

Quickly- the werewolf shifted. There stood Lucifer with the same boyish appearance and serious facade.

"Riv!" He'd call out, quickly coming forward. "How could you leave in the middle of the night?" 

Regardless of his words- River took a moment to blush due to his nudity. Seems she's just as shy as she was when she was little.

"You terrified me." His deep voice shook with slight emotion.

River frowned, the corners of her lips tugging down. "I'm sorry." She apologized wholeheartedly, "I... couldn't sleep without finding my sister."

It seems this was the moment Lucifer realized Riot was there.

They'd peer at each other- with him examining her thoroughly. Familiarity flashed in her eyes, "... Riot?" He'd mutter, eyebrows furrowing at this. Her surprise must've been evident- because the confirmation raised his brows. "No way."
Riot released a breath- raising her arms and letting them fall back to her sides. "Yeah." She'd nod, "That's... That's me." The she-wolf honestly didn't expect him to remember her- let alone recognize her.

"I had a feeling you were-." Lucifer was interrupted by River, "Not! A tyrant!" She'd point out.

Lucifer slowly nodded... "Well." He'd purse his lips, "You haven't changed much."

River stepped aside- looking between the two. "So you really did meet him those years ago." She said with innocent eyes, "Before he became the Beta."

While he nodded, Riot snickered. "WAY before." She waved a hand, "He was a little fry. Should've seen the acne and heard his voice." Her eyes shone with humor- while Lucifer narrowed his eyes at her.

"You're still a cunt."

River was in shock, "Lucifer!" She'd call out while Riot cackled like a wicked witch.

"What?" He'd look at his lover, "It's what I called her then!" He gestured toward Riot wildly, "She was a huge bitch- you should've heard the things she said to me!"

"Like what?" Riot intervened, resting her hands on her hips with a sly grin.

Lucifer snorted, "That daddy won't make me beta because I'm not man enough."

"Must've hit you hard if you remember it that well."

He rolled his eyes, "You wish."

River still appeared confused- clearly not expecting them to recreate their relationship in record timing like this. She waved a hand to get their attention, "This is great. I love that you're both reinstating your relationship." She'd say.
Though she muttered under her breath, "As confusing as it looks." Which made Riot snicker and Lucifer scoff. "Riot I..." She looked at her sister, "I want you to fix things with Cronus as soon as possible."

Riot sank into herself. Seeing this, River sighed, "Right now."

"No more waiting."

"I like her roll." Artio finally commented. Damn wolf.

Lucifer nodded, agreeing. "I want to see him happy again." He'd say, "He's like a brother to me."

"He's never been as happy as when you were together."

That... hurt. Knowing that her disappearance damaged him that badly- knowing she fucked up royally. Other times, she'd whine and cry; unable to deal with the sadness in her heart. But River's words swayed her.

She nodded, and Lucifer nodded back. "I'll bring you to him."


River and Lucifer stopped as they were moving to head back the way they came. "No?" River frowned.

Riot sent her a reassuring gaze before looking at Lucifer.

"He deserves me finding him myself."

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