Chapter 28 | Ratted Out

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Loud fists rasped against the cabin door.

As Riot approached, she could hear subtle arguing behind it. Rolling her eyes, she swung the door open and watched River flinch from the quick movement.

"Trouble in paradise?" She'd snicker.

River sighed while Lucifer chuckled, "She didn't want me to walk in the front door without knocking." He'd shove his hands into his pockets and march inside, past Riot.

He wore a black, halfway-open blouse tucked into his black slacks. "Emo bitch..." She'd whisper, receiving a scoff from the man.

River wore a cute white sundress covered in sunflowers. She mouthed a sorry, which only made Riot push a hand against her back and pull her into the house. Lucifer rubbed his hands- marching into the kitchen where Cronus was finishing setting up dinner.

"Mr. Alpha cooking for his guests?" The Beta chortled, "I'm starting to think I'm special."

Cronus raised a brow as he took utensils, "No, you're not worth this much effort." He'd scoff but chuckle shortly after, "Only because I have the two Roi's here."

Lucifer feigned a frown while she roughly patted his shoulder. "Poor kid- guess you'll have to work harder to impress your Alpha."

"Maybe I can do that by kicking Ms. Alpha's ass."

"You'd be a perfect example for the pups of what a failure looks like."


The two looked back at River- who had her hands on her hips. "You two are cute, but I'm hungry."

Lucifer grinned, "Anything for my goddess."

Riot scoffed with the roll of her eyes, "You'd drop on your knees and give her head if she asked you to."

"Already have."

"Ladies." Cronus groaned, "Do this shit later."

Seems that was all it took.

The four gathered their own plates and set them on the small dinner table. Taking up all the seats, they'd dig in. Cronus had made fresh steak- venison he had hunted for himself- alongside carrots, cooked green beans, and mashed potatoes. He was a phenomenal cook, honestly.
River picked up her glass of milk and sipped it. The three of them all popped open their cans of beer. She's discovered that River never had a thing for alcohol- and preferred to stay sober. Oh, the envy the rest of the world would have for her health.

She watched her younger sister politely wipe off her mouth- a habit that she knew was forced upon her by their mother.

"This is very good, Lycoris." She'd compliment. Cronus smiled softly, "Call me Cronus, River." He'd tell her, "We'll be family soon enough here."

Lucifer raised a brow at this, but River simply nodded and continued on. "I think it's time we discuss why I'm here."

Riot sank into her seat. She's been wrapped up in hanging around Cronus- it feels like talking about this... matter... will begin the hill toward the worst.

She reached into her purse, sitting on the floor beside her chair, and pulled out an opened letter. "Riot," She'd say, offering it to her. The she-wolf bit her lip before taking it and pulling out the card. Her eyes glanced over its contents.

Ma fille, River Rapid Roi

Tu me manques de tout mon cœur. La France n'est pas la même sans mon adorable fille. Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu as déménagé en Amérique, mais je sais que cela a quelque chose à voir avec moi.

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