A Pic Won't Hurt, Right?

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 The 7 Kim Brothers were inseparable , no matter how much they fought their bond just bloomed into an even more beautiful flower everytime  . The powerful squad they had in the school , never failed to make people intimidated plus jealous of their bond , while most of the girls drooled over them .It wasn't just normal admiring or simping , but most of the female population was purely obsessed with them . The 7 of them always joked about how the people at their school didn't fail to make them feel like some celebrity . 

Just like any morning in a household , The Kim Mansion had utter chaos too . Where someone was running for their tie , someone for their shirt, or someone was simply running away from their angry wife . 

All of that was bought to a halt when a crying Jimin exited from Namjoon's room holding his cheek , where the imprints of a big hand clearly lingered . The sound of his heartbreaking sobbing was enough to make everyone leave whatever they were doing and gather around him . 

Mrs Kim : Jimin Baby what happened ? Why are you crying , hmm ? Her mother's instincts instantly kicked in and the warmth in her voice somehow soothing the wailing boy . 

Jimin : Eo...eomma hyung h...he sl-slapped me  momma. It hu...hurts . I w...was ju...just 

He was engulfed in a hug by his mother , who tried her best to calm him down while Jin and Yoongi left to bring Namjoon , as to ask the latter about his actions . 

However, coming to his room the elder pair of brothers were met by a crying Namjoon who was holding his hair in a tight grip. 

Jin : Namjoon you will become bald this way and come downstairs . In response , Namjoon just gave them a glance from his red bloodshot eyes , enough to show the intensity of whatever happened between him and Jimin because Namjoon definitely wasn't one to choose violence . Ever ! 

Namjoon followed his older brothers downstairs and saw a crying Jimin in his mother's arms . The scoff which came out of Namjoon was loud enough to be heard by everyone . 

Mr. Kim : Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today , Joon ? And why did you slap your brother ? It came out more as an angry yell than a calm and patient question . 

Namjoon whimpered at the loud noise , he was never a fan of loud voices and every single soul in the room was aware of it . His father however didn't wait much for him to respond . 

Mr Kim : Anyways , apologise to him fast .  You all are getting late for school . 

Namjoon shook his head in denial . " I won't apologise , it was not my fault appa " He voiced out , the tone so firm and stern enough to make his father boil up with anger . 

Mr Kim : Young Man I asked you to apologise . Whatever happened is between you both , all I know is you aren't supposed to hit your brothers . 

Namjoon still shook his head , not ready to apologize for something he didn't do . Before Mr Kim could lash out more , Mrs Kim interrupted and dismissed them all to school and asked them to solve it once they get back home . 

Throughout the ride to school , Namjoon kept getting angry glances from all his brothers who were side by side consoling the ' Still Crying Jimin ' . Namjoon really wanted to puke at the overacting of his brother . How could he behave so innocently after doing this to him . Thought Namjoon with numerous other thoughts having a marathon in his mind . 

Namjoon : Stop overacting Jimin , IT WAS YOUR FAULT . Jimin clearly wept at the accusation , still not understanding what was his fault however the eldest didn't even slightly appreciate the words of Namjoon . 

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