Used or Abused?

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Namjoon was one of the most eligible bachelor in the whole country . There was barely any girl or boy in the country who wasn't drooling on his charms . He had made most of the boys in the country question their sexuality as he continued to rise even further in the list of best entrepreneurs. He was a very fragile boy by heart , who never got even an ounce of love . His mother died while giving birth to him and his father, always engrossed in expanding his empire, was never present emotionally for him. Namjoon grew up in grand hallways and palatial rooms, but the echoing emptiness of his house only shadowed the emptiness in his heart.

The media portrayed Namjoon as the golden boy of the country, someone who had everything—money, looks, and brains. But behind those captivating dragon eyes and that charming dimple smile was a soul yearning for genuine human connection. His friends, mostly from elite circles, were more attracted to his status and wealth than to Namjoon himself.

For just once he wanted someone to love him genuinely , for who he was and not his money . 

In the echoing laughter, amidst the crowd, 

His heart whispered, soft yet loud."Just once," 

it cried, pure and true,

"Love me for me, not the riches that accrue."

Hence, it was no wonder that he often found solace in his books and music. Within the verses of poetry and melodies of songs, he sought the warmth he was missing in real life. It helped him to escape reality and live in a world he always wanted , where everything was euphoric .  Namjoon also often visited his mother's grave, talking to her, sharing his achievements and setbacks, and seeking the maternal comfort he had never known.

BTS on the other side owned a real estate company , but that was just for the world . Their nights were spent in the dungeon filled with the blood of their enemies. Beneath the polished facade of a legitimate business empire, BTS operated the most fearsome underground mafia group . Each member was skilled in a particular area, making them a formidable team. Jin was the strategist, Yoongi the information broker, Hoseok managed finances with an iron fist, Jimin was an expert in seducing , Taehyung took care of negotiations, and Jungkook, the youngest, was their elite enforcer. 

They all were born with silver spoon , rich family , loving and supporting family , good friends, and everything they could ask for . Yet the greed for more power kept pushing them further into the darkness of the underground world . Despite being the most powerful mafia group and one of the most influential businessmen they still wanted more .  It wasn't merely about wealth or status; it was an unquenchable thirst for dominion, an obsession to stand unmatched.

And Namjoon was the perfect prey for their greed for 'More'. They very well understood the weight Namjoon's name carried in the business world.

They started stalking Namjoon , and got all of his information out . Seeing their position in the underworld it wasn't much of a difficult task . One thing they understood was Namjoo was hungry for love , and that's what they were gonna use as their weapon . Love , indeed the strongest weapon .

Jin, the strategist, devised a plan. They wouldn't approach Namjoon directly with a business proposal. Instead, they'd feed onto his hunger for love and slowly trap him into their web . 

Jimin observed the graveyard Namjoon visited for 2-3 days . Finding out that the grave next to Namjoon's mother's belonged to a woman named Hana, Jimin started visiting it, posing as Hana's grandson. 

One evening, as Namjoon kneeled by his mother's grave, he noticed Jimin, eyes misted over, holding a bunch of lilies beside Hana's tombstone. Their eyes met, and in that moment of shared pain, an unspoken understanding was forged. " Hii , umm she is your ?" Asked Jimin , showing as if he was hesitant to start a conversation . " My mother , she died while giving birth to me " Spoke Namjoon , with a soft small smile on his face though his eyes held tears  . He thought that probably the person didn't recognize who he was . Jimin's mouth turned into an O shape as he spoke " Ohh , I am so sorry " " It's okay , we can't change the past right , and what about you ? " Spoke Namjoon wiggling his eyebrows towards the grave Jimin was standing by " My grandmother " answered Jimin . The shared grief of having lost a loved one provided a subtle bond between Namjoon and Jimin , they both almost meet daily and talk to each other for hours . Namjoon was glad that the other person didn't recognize him, and felt as if for once he would get the attention and love he craved for , often ending their evenings with quiet walks around the graveyard or a coffee at a nearby cafe.

Namjoon X BTS {Oneshots}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя