Baby or Leader

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Namjoon was the literal baby of the Bangtan dorm . Others would always tease him saying how ARMY'S who ship Namjoon with the other members think Namjoon would be the top one , but only the members amidst the closed four walls of their home know how big of a fluff ball Namjoon is for all of them . 

Just like another cozy morning , they all woke up being wrapped in the warmth and love of the night they all spent together yesterday . Namjoon in his irresistibly adorable way, was too clingy to leave anyone's side and constantly needed someone to hold and hug him . 

" Everyone get aside , shoo shoo . Make space for our baby " Spoke Jin as he carried down a very adorable Joon , looking very tiny in the oversized t-shirt of Jungkook . Hearing all the commotion he couldn't help but give out a cute whiny giggle . 

" You old man stop stealing my baby , come here joonie " spoke Yoongi as he snatched Namjoon from Jin . Even though Namjoon was the tallest and the buffest in the group , somehow he always appeared tiny in the warm embrace of his lovers and right now in the arms of Yoongi , he didn't look less than a small cute tomato  . " Yoonie " squealed Namjoon as he finally got to hug his favorite member . 

They all finally settled at the dining table to have their lunch  , with Namjoon sitting all over Yoongi , he was big enough to cover Yoongi but still, he was the one who appeared tiny at the moment . Jimin and Taehyung who were sitting on either side of Yoongi , took chances to feed their adorable baby or more like their baby leader . When they were done , they all wasted no time and jumped to the couch with all snacks , that would accompany them throughout the movie .  This time Jungkook was quick to steal his baby leader from Yoongi as they both hugged sideways and started watching the movie . Just halfway through the movie and Namjoon was already feeling sleepy .  The cute yawn he let out made everyone coo at their cute boyfriend . 

" No no my prince , no sleeping right now . First, freshen up and then my prince can sleep all he wants , okay ? " Spoke Hoseok as he swayed Namjoon sideways who was still in Jungkook's arms making him shake as well . 

" Yahh Hobi hyung whyyyy " Grumpily shouted Jungkook as Hoseok just ruined his perfect peaceful cuddle session . Namjoon didn't react much and slowly jerked his body upwards towards Hoseok as he just wanted to hug his bed as soon as he can . Totally after his favorite hyung . 

Hoseok carried him upstairs to the bathroom , while pecking him after every step he took  , the cute giggles his boyfriend let out afterward were his Serotonin making him even climb the stairs easily with the bulky joonie in his hands . As Hoseok was ascending upstairs he heard Taehyung joking about how they don't need to hit gym " Yahh thanks to you joonie , we don't need to hit gym daily . Ha ha " 

" Seokiee , see he is teasing me . Go fight him for your prince " Cutely commanded Namjoon with an angry pout which just made Taehyung laugh , and Namjoon puffed out his cheeks even more in anger . 

Namjoon was having a relaxing bath , making his tensed muscles relax from all the activities of the previous night . Hoseok smoothly ran his hands through the locks of Namjoon in an attempt to wash them , after which he rubbed Namjoon's favorite strawberry-scented soap all over both of them . 

Once he was done , he drained out the water and carried Namjoon back to the bedroom . 

" Now wait here for me for a moment , okay ? " Asked Hoseok , as Namjoon slowly nodded . His anticipated sleep had already vanished by now fueling his energy level . In the meantime Taehyung came into the room too , probably to tease Namjoon more . 

" Awwww my gym dose had a bath , wow so cute " Spoke Taehyung as if he was talking to a toddler which just made Namjoon more angry but of course even that appeared cute to Taehyung . 

" I am not talking to you , go find a new baby " puffed Namjoon making Taehyung halt his actions . " Ohh my baby , I am so sorry . Tell  me what can  I do for my baby? " 
" First stop being a meanie and after that give me a kiss " Told Namjoon. 

" Okiee as you say " Just as Taehyung was about to Kiss Namjoon , hoseok called him . " Taehyung will you please come here for a moment " .

Taehyung left not seeing how his baby reacted to it , after 5 minutes he came back only to see a wailing Namjoon . 

" You are a big meanie , you didn't give me my kiss . I won't ever talk to you " Wailed loudly Namjoon , making the others gather in the room too . Seeing how Namjoon was crying , Taehyung panicked . 

" Aya my baby ... I didn't mean to ....  sorry sorry ... Come I will give my cute baby tons of kisses .... No crying .... Come here " Consoled Taehyung also taking secret glances at others , knowing damn well the others were ready to scold him. 

After Namjoon was satisfied with the amount of kisses he got and the scolding Taehyung got  , everyone decided to call it a day as they had early practice tomorrow . 

The next morning Taehyung made a small mistake during the recording session which made all of them go over the recording again . 

" Taehyung -ah stop talking and do it properly this time " Lightly scolded Namjoon as Taehyung proceeded to record the part again , this time getting the perfect one . As soon as Taehyung came back to his place which was beside Jungkook he spoke " Can you believe this is the same guy who was crying yesterday because I didn't give him his kiss ? " 

Jungkook nodded his head agreeing to his youngest hyung " I know rig -  AHHH " 

Loudly screamed both of them , as their ears were twisted by none other than their baby leader . 

That's how they all lived the dual life with their baby leader , making all the ARMY believe that Namjoon was definitely the top one . 

I literally got this idea , when Namjoon posted shirtless .

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